Reckless - Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

A loud knocking sound drags me away from the movie I’m watching.

It’s a Saturday night - around 5:30; I’ve been having a movie marathon on the couch, with sweats and a long sleeved t-shirt on, my hair in a messy bun. I asked Melanie what she was doing, but she was spending the day with Dan and Micah. Chris said that he had to go up and see his parents for some reason. So, that’s why it’s just me.

Groaning, I get up and open the door, shocked to see Nash on the other side.

It’s been weeks since I last saw him. The lodge was the last place and that was well over three weeks ago.

Thanksgiving passed in a blur. Chris asked me to spend it with his family and I accepted. We ended up having a nice dinner and then walked around the park outside his parent’s neighborhood. It was a sweet night, and I was grateful for him and his family.

“Come with me. I want to show you something,” Nash says, both hands clasped on the sides of the door frame.

I wanted to ask why he was doing this. His randomness was a never ending cycle. There were times he was never around, and then he suddenly was there. But before I knew it, he was already gone.

“Why?” I ask him, skeptical and confused.

“Because… You’ll like it; trust me.”

Trust. That word was something that I didn’t truly grasp. I had gone through too many situations where trust was broken. There were few people who I actually trusted. And if I’m being honest, Nash is one of them.

“Uhm, let me change first,” I say, looking down at my sweats.

He nods his head, grinning at my choice of clothing. I open the door wider, inviting him in. He takes a seat on the couch while I head to my room.

I quickly change into black jeans, keeping my white, long sleeve T-shirt on. Grabbing my black boots, I take a seat on the couch next to Nash, sliding each one on.

“Where are we going?” I ask after I slip the last boot on.

He just grins at me, “You’ll see when we get there.”

We get up from my couch and make our way outside. I make sure to lock the door behind me. I let Nash lead us out of the building, and once we get outside I immediately curse myself.

“Holy sh*t, it’s freezing out here!”

Nash has the nerve to laugh at me, while I feel like I’m dying. I give him an evil glare, while I rub my arms, my teeth chattering. I keep walking next to him when I feel warmth caress my neck. Looking behind me, I notice black leather draped on my shoulders. Nash is standing with his hands in his pockets in nothing but a long sleeved green shirt.

Heat flushes my face, and I’m glad that I can mask the redness in my cheeks in the cold.

“Thank you,” I say, giving him a grateful smile.

He shrugs as he opens the passenger door of hissleek blue GTR for me. Where is that sleek black muscle car? He goes around the front and takes a seat behind the wheel. The growl of the engine roars as the car comes to life. It reminds me of the last time I went street racing with Henry.

“So… you’re still not going to tell me where we’re going?” I ask, turning to look at him while putting my arms through the warm jacket.

Nash laughs, “You have no patience. It’s a surprise.”

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