Reckless - Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I wake up with a pounding migraine.

It hurts so bad, I feel like someone is literally tapping a hammer against the side of my head. My stomach is upset,  and the first thing I do is jump out of my bed and run to the bathroom. I empty my stomach into the toilet.

When I think I’m done, I lean against the cabinet of the sink and close my eyes. The sound of knocking on a door makes me groan as I realize that I’m going to have to stand up from this comfortable position. I ignore the knocking, hoping that it will go away, but it continues.

I stand up with a groan, walking over to the front door, “Who the hell knocks on the do-”

Standing in front of me is the last person I wish to see this early in the morning.

“You look like sh*t.”

I roll my eyes and take in who is standing before me. He’s dressed in athletic clothing and running shoes. My eyes reach his face, taking in the smug grin.

“Uhm, what exactly do you want, Nash?”

“Come running with me,” he says in a soft tone.

My stomach churns at the thought of running. There is no way I can run when I feel like absolute sh*t today.

“I can’t.”

A slight scowl forms on his face, “Why? Do you have another date?”

My eyebrows scrunch together, “No.”

“Then what’s the problem? Scared that you won’t be able to keep up again?” he grins that familiar wicked grin.

“Just go away.”

I’m about to close the door, but he put his hand against it, stopping me. I’m seriously going to cut off one of his hands one day. Before I have the chance to say a remark to him, my stomach turns and I’m running back to the bathroom.

After emptying my stomach for the second time that day, I flush and close the lid, leaning my head on the top of the toilet with my eyes closed. I don’t realize that he followed me until I hear his voice.

“That’s probably not sanitary.”

I groan, “Nash, just go away.”

A small laugh escapes his mouth, “And leave you here to fall asleep on the toilet?”

I can’t help the laugh that comes out of my mouth. Before I know it, a pair of hands are picking me up under the arms. They guide me over to the sink, setting me on top of the counter. Nash turns the water on and runs the towel that is laying on the counter under the water.

When I look into the mirror, I take in my overall appearance.

The bun on top of my head is a complete mess. In all honesty, it shouldn't even be called a bun anymore. My skin is pasty looking and so pale it could be alabaster. Underneath my eyes, there are dark marks smudged on either side. Cringing, I bring a hand up to wipe away what I assume to be day-old mascara on my face.

Looking through the mirror, I lock eyes with Nash. I blush in embarrassment as I realize that I look horrific this morning and that he has to see me like this.

Realizing that my breath probably smells, I grab my toothbrush and mouth rinse and move to fix the problem. After that situation is fixed, Nash sets me back down and walks me to the couch. I sit down and lean against the armrest, pulling my feet up to rest along the couch. My eyes are closed, and I jump when I feel a cool towel pressed against my forehead.

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