Reckless - Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

The music from the venue blasts as I walk through the doors.

I know I shouldn’t be here, but I couldn’t stay away.

It’s December 21; I leave today. In an hour, to be exact. My heart aches at the thought that I’m going to be leaving the town that I’ve come to love these past few months, along with the people who have found a special place in my heart.

I stay far in the back, not wanting anyone to know I’m here - especially not him. Setting my duffel bag on the ground by my feet, I take a seat in the chair and prepare myself for the rush of emotions about to shoot through me.

Looking up at the stage, I see that Nash and his band aren’t on yet. A sigh of relief escapes my lips at the thought that I have some time to prepare myself. Glancing around the room, I hear hushed whispers between all the women.

They’re all here to see Nash.

If I didn’t know him and who he really is on the inside, I probably would’ve rolled my eyes at their unshameful remarks. But I do know him, and instead my soul feels like it is shattering.

As a few minutes go by, I nervously glance down at my phone. I didn’t want to miss the bus - there wouldn’t be another one going down to Florida until after Christmas. And I wasn’t sure if I could stand being here any longer.

A waitress comes up to my table and asks me if I want anything. I politely, well at least an attempt to, decline her offer and then I get a good look at her face. My eyes widen and I have to do a double take. It’s Kenzie - Nash’s friend from Chicago.

The smile originally plastered onto her face, dulls a little as she realizes who I am too. But it flashes away and another million dollar smile lights her face.

“Oh my god, Addy!!” she screams my name. As a few people turn their heads at the sharp noise, I internally cringe 

Noticing my internal battle, her face softens. Kenzie leans down and calls me Adelaide before leaning back up again.

“He told me everything; he has a need to tell me everything that goes on with him. I hope you’re not mad..”

Even though it bothers me that she knows what happened between Nash and I, understanding floods through me. I merely nod at her revelation and take a deep breath.

“It’s fine - if I were him, I would’ve told the whole world too.”

“He didn’t-”

I cut her off, not wanting to know anything more about the confrontation that occurred four weeks ago, “So, how are you doing?”

“I’ve been good,” she says through a sigh, “I mean, I really have to thank Nash - he’s the one who’s been helping me out, you know? He’s the best.”

I can’t help but agree with her. He is the most amazing person - that’s why I have to leave.

“When did you get a job here?” I ask, not sure why I’m bothering with small talk.

“Well, Nash and his band come here all the time. So, he was able to pull some strings and get me a few nights here. It’s not much, but it will be enough to pay the bills.”

Before I stop myself, I spit out, “The Black Star should be hiring soon if you want to work extra hours.”

“Don’t you work there?” her question is innocent, but the answer is killing me inside. “Nash told me that you’ve been there since you moved here.”

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