Reckless - Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I didn’t see Nash for the rest of the week.

For the next few days, I hoped to catch him. Sadly, he didn’t show up at the Black Star. When Friday rolled around, I prayed that he would just show his face for a second. He never did.

My cut healed. All that is left in its place is a thin white scar. A simple, yet haunting memory of what occurred that day. I never did get the chance to thank Nash for everything he did, nor did I ever apologize for how I acted toward him. I felt bad for leaving him like I did.

On Saturday I didn’t have a shift.

Melanie and Micah kept insisting that I go with them to the park, and I gave in. Unsurprisingly, Dan also joined our little trio. At first, Micah had been a little reluctant to meet him. But by the end of the day, Micah didn’t want Dan to leave.

A day spent at the park had been fun, however I felt like the fourth wheel. They looked like the perfect family, and then there was me.

I tried to get Dan to give me information on Nash, but we were never alone. Melanie was practically hanging off his arm the whole time. Seeing her so happy that day, made me happy too; she deserves every ounce of it.

When Monday rolled around, and a new work-week was about to begin, I just gave up. It was obvious that he had no intention of seeing me.

Then why did I even care?

And before I knew it, the whole week has already passed by - and he hasn’t bothered to even come around.

Today, which is Friday, Jim gave me the day off - which I am fully grateful for. He has been making me work strenuous hours during the week, and I needed some down time.

Sitting inside my bedroom, I slip on a pair of shorts and a tank top. After locating a hair tie, I pull my hair into a high ponytail. I’m going to go run around the block. Back in Florida, I used to run all the time. It would be a time where I had the chance to just think about life.

Running gave me a sense of freedom and relieved a lot of stress too.

Pulling on a pair of sneakers, I grab my phone and keys, making sure to lock the apartment behind me as I walk out.

Warming up my muscles, I stretch my limbs to make sure I don’t pull anything. Standing back up, I notice a familiar person walking down the set of stairs from the third floor.


He’s looking down at his phone, but when he hears his name softly fall from my lips, he looks up. He’s dressed in running shorts and a white t-shirt. His hair is the same disheveled mess as when I first met him. When he notices who called his name, a blank stare appears on his face.

As I’m waiting for some kind of reply, he looks back down at his phone and ignores me. I shake my head lightly and jog downstairs. Was he mad at me? What did I even do?

Jogging up to the opening of the apartment complex, I take a few deep breaths before I finally start to run. I don’t really know where I’m headed, but I try to aim for the park. After running for about five minutes, I hear someone behind me. I don’t bother to turn around; instead, I pick up my pace.

Making it to the entrance of the park, I slow down a bit and catch my breath. Sitting down on one of the benches, I rest for a few seconds. Closing my eyes, I hear someone sit next to me. Their breathing is a bit heavy, but not overtly loud.

I crack one of my eyes open and nearly groan. Sitting in silence, I let us both level our breathing before I speak up.

“Were you following me?” I ask, breathing still heavy.

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