I Can't Take This Deathly Glow

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"I've never felt anything like that," Hux confessed as he followed them up the catamaran's ramp, and his wife drolly welcomed him to the Force with a wry smile. Hux had been asking questions since training had concluded for the day. Perhaps it should've been annoying--and maybe at an earlier time it would've been--but he indulged Hux. His wife had felt tickled to him the whole time.

They had answered Hux as much as they could: No, it doesn't always feel like that. And no, the Knights don't often converge like that. Actually, he couldn't think of a time where he'd ever experienced anything quite like it. For how few of the Knights there were alive now, it shouldn't be possible.

Yet, here they were with leads on holocrons to follow and a connection which, he suspected, hadn't been felt in decades.

He had sensed Kin Al and Baltek--Perril and Ginji. Jeckhum had been right, Kin Al could be felt everywhere--they all could. There had been Nashi and Azha, too. It was like an imperceptible support system--a family--he never knew existed. He didn't know how he'd missed it for so long. He was supposed to be the Master of the Knights of Ren and he knew nothing.

For a bitter second, he wondered if Snoke had taken that from him as well.

However, he couldn't let himself be preoccupied by thoughts of Snoke because he had Korriban to face again. He had to get ready and prepare everyone for the possibility he might not make it back. With that in mind, he had requested use of a hover-cart from a dock officer and a few bins to unload some supplies from the ship.

He had left the hover-cart at the end of the ramp and handed off one of the bins to Hux while he took the other two. His wife led the way up into the ship and greeted Five-A. The BB-unit came rolling out of its docking station in the command center to chirp a jovial hello.

Five-A wobbled with enthusiasm as it reported that no one had tampered with the ship while they had been away. It also announced they had a comm. It stopped short of disclosing the sender of said comm when it saw Hux at the top of the ramp. Five-A tilted its head and greeted Hux, introducing itself with its given designation.

Hux one-handedly took off his half-mask and looked down at the droid with a fond look. "Midra," he responded.

"You two, go on up," his wife instructed as she strolled to the pilot's seat. "I'll see to the comm."

As they were ascending the spiral staircase with the bins, Hux asked who could possibly be messaging them. He had to think quickly to reply that it could be from the ship's previous owner. Or Leader Krim. Or the medcenter where he'd gotten his hand. Hux accepted his answer readily enough and followed him to the second level.

Once there, he dropped the bins he had in the master cabin and took the third from Hux to let him look around. Hux pushed back his hood, rolled the mask, stuffed it into a pants pocket as he regarded the cabin for a moment, and then went to the control panel by the doorway.

Hux coolly observed, "This is a very nice ship."

He had to keep Hux from thinking about the quality of the ship and how they'd come to possess it. He didn't want them to keep up a lie for years. "There's a second cabin across the way."

Hux glanced at him--suspicion and curiosity waging in his gaze--before crossing the short corridor. He followed Hux to see him paused in the doorway. He couldn't tell Hux that it had probably been intended as his own cabin when Calrissian had tried to gift the ship to his parents.

"This could be your cabin," he pointed out as he came up behind Hux.

"This is the second-mate's."

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