Don't Fret, Precious, I'm Here

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He knew her. He knew her before he ever saw her. Ben Solo wouldn't have recognized her, but Kylo Ren did. She looked nothing like he had imagined, but he didn't mind her looks at all. She had wild hair that was partially tamed and kept back from her soft face. And her face--truly lovely, even features, easy to look at. Her skin hadn't been ruined by the harsh climate of Jakku yet, either.

However, it was her spirit--her mind--he was pulled towards. He could feel the Force in her. He sensed her potential, but it slept in her like a dozing predator. Her soul was a sweet wind that stoked the flames of the Force within. She would be a hurricane which would blow apart his life if he took her.

And he should hate everything about her--hate her heart, hate her fight, hate her fierce nature.

She mentally pushed back against him. She tried to free herself from his hold. She snapped at him like a feral beast. The Force was thrumming in her like it beat through him. She was strong with it, and it breezed through her, clearing out all that came before.

And when she screamed his name into the desert night, he knew for certain she was the one he'd seen years ago.

One of the troopers brought his attention back to the moment. He wanted to snap the trooper's neck for distracting him. Instead, he reached out and touched her soft cheek. How he wished he wasn't wearing gloves.

At the touch, she half-broke-out of his hold. It would be a feat even for a Force-user, he mentally conceded to her. She would be powerful if he could train her. He was reluctantly impressed, and the more he felt of her, the more he found himself wanting. He licked his lips, glad that he was masked, and whispered in her head that she was his. She was safe now--no more fighting for survival on this wasteland of a planet.

Still, she struggled. He knew she would fight the inevitable and maybe get herself hurt, so he made it easy for her.

'Sleep,' he mentally ordered, and she collapsed in his arms.

He cradled her to him and actually enjoyed the way her head lolled against his shoulder as he walked through the burning remains of Tuanul. It almost felt like she had fallen asleep in his arms. He joked to himself that it was an honor to be trusted by such a wild thing. He would have to lure her further out of her hidey-hole as the cycles went by.

The ride back to the Finalizer was a strained one. The troopers on the shuttle tried not to look at him with his prize sheltered in his arms. The captured pilot was in the other transport, so he didn't have to concern himself with questions from Resistance scum.

He took her down to med bay to be cleaned up, tested for disease, and treated for malnutrition and dehydration. He wanted her healthy and ready for him as soon as possible. The nurses and droids assured him that they would see to her health.

He looked down at her peaceful face for a moment and knew she would fight when she woke. "Strap her down. She's a fighter."

"Wouldn't it be prudent to treat her in the detention center?" one of the nurses pointed out.

He growled, "She's not a prisoner."

"She's a captive of the First Order," Hux's crisp voice cut in.

He wanted to turn around and throttle his co-commander. He stood there, instead, and silently waited for Hux to expound on his cunning assessment. Supreme Leader had instructed him not to harm General Hux. He had to control his instincts, which was to throw the good general through the med bay doors and hopefully into a conveniently available airlock.

Hux ordered, "Secure her until she's been thoroughly examined and found well, and then send her down to the psytechs."

"She will not be reconditioned," he stated. She was his, and he would decide her fate.

Precious | Kylo Ren x Reader | Precious Pet Series | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now