I Can Be A Lone Wolf With You

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He didn't have long to get himself together before she came back. He changed into his tunic and trousers, got his boots on, and snapped the belt around his waist. The last thing he did before leaving their quarters was attach his lightsaber to his belt.

His thoughts were like tangled cords in his mind: the shackles of ownership, an atypical marriage, Hux's jealousy, a lost rulership, the unknowable future. How was he supposed to know which to focus on? All of it seemed like a priority, but none of it was taking precedence. It was all there as a mess to be sorted out.

In some ways, it made him long for a time when the reins were in Snoke's hands. He hadn't had to decide because Snoke's agenda had always come first. His service to a higher cause, to his grandfather's legacy, would have been the prime concern.

Now he was free and didn't know what to do.

He was unbalanced. His energy was going in all directions and none of it under his own command. His apprentice was suffering for it, too. He was supposed to be her rock and yet here he was, avoiding problems by retreating into the deepest part of the Finalizer.

The humming of the multiple ion engines was more apparent down here in the aft engineering sector. He could feel them as a rumbling in his chest, as if a purring cat was resting on him. The Force was quiet in this part of the ship--not that he couldn't feel it, but it was softer and easier to ignore.

Perhaps the best thing he could do was focus once more on his grandfather's legacy and rid the galaxy of Jedi. They were weak and corrupt and would continue to be the downfall of any ruling party. The New Republic had rested upon the lies of the Jedi, of what Luke Skywalker had done in their name, and look what happened to them. In a matter of moments, Starkiller Base had seen to their utter annihilation. And where had Skywalker been?

In hiding, alone, rotting, drawn back from the galaxy like the coward he knew Luke to be.

Once his apprentice was fully trained and ready, he would take her and the Knights to put an end to his duplicitous uncle. He would find Rey as well since she had probably sought Luke out by now. He would redress all the wrongs which had plagued him.

The Jedi would be no more.

And he could've made ending the Jedi his immediate priority if he were in charge of the First Order. Instead, he had stepped back to let high command dole out responsibilities like some pinched-lipped schoolmarm. Hux was going to take the lead; it was almost an understood amongst the crew.

The commanders meeting was coming up in a matter of cycles. He could eliminate all of them and take the First Order for himself. His apprentice wouldn't have to indulge Hux ever again--nor would he. She would be his lady, his wife, and the Knights would be his guard. They could take the galaxy region by region, from The Deep Core to the Outer Rim.

He could rule like Darth Vader would've done if he had been given enough time and not yoked by his master. He could be emperor and she would be his empress. A crown of kyber and a dress of silver and gold for his beloved. Their lightsabers at their respective waists, their combined power cowing anyone who would stand up against them--for a time.

He knew his history well enough to know that no empire lasted forever. They usually couldn't survive one person's lifetime, let alone a family dynasty. He wouldn't have children, anyway.

So, that left that possibility as a nice fantasy to visit. She wouldn't want to have all the pressures of diplomacy and politics weighing her down. Truthfully, neither would he. He didn't have the mind for it, either. However, he could begrudgingly admit, Hux did. Hux thrived in it. Perhaps then it was better that Hux be in charge, which in turn gave him and his apprentice freedom.

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