Love Is Blindness, I Don't Wanna See

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Phasma had informed him during the after-dinner stroll/socializing in Solculvis' gardens that all their rooms were bugged. She relayed that Hux had decided to leave them. He had asked if his apprentice knew about it, and Phasma told him she'd been informed by now.

His apprentice didn't sound unreasonable now that all the evidence of Solculvis' machinations were coming to light. Solculvis had lusted after her, throwing covetous looks at her during dinner. The king had seen them all in various states of undress, when they thought nobody would. He briefly thought of Mithea and if she was in on the spying. He doubted she was ignorant.

He had met up with Hux as the merry evening was winding down. They were both confident that there were no recording devices in the garden, and Hux told him that his apprentice knew about her room. Hux told him to surreptitiously visit her and make it look like she was cheating on Hux.

"Solculvis wants blackmail material, Ren, so why don't we give it to him?" Hux had conspired.

Which was how he found himself creeping along the dark balcony to his apprentice's room. He had to go past Hux's, but Hux had helped matters along by having his doors closed and the thick drapes drawn. It made the pseudo sneaking around easier.

In contrast to Hux's, her doors were open to the balmy night. He stood at the edge of the shadow and watched her at the white vanity. Her lush room was done in shades of peach and ivory. She was the sole red flame, glamorous and self-contained, on a pale throne.

She plucked a makeup wipe from the pouch and cleaned the lipstick from her mouth. She leaned forward to inspect herself in the mirror. His silhouette must've caught her attention because she startled when she glanced out into the night.

He took a small step forward to reveal himself, and she relaxed when she saw that it was only him. He put a finger up to his lips to signal she should remain quiet. He stepped into her suite, closed the doors behind him, and drew the drapes together. He came up behind her to meet her reflection's gaze in the mirror.

He reminded himself that Solculvis wanted a show and decided to get poetic. He told her she looked like someone out of a holodrama: beautiful and untouchable. He hesitated for a second as if he needed permission, or that he didn't know if he could control himself, before putting his hand on her shoulder. He let his palm rest on the velvet of her gown, but his fingers stretched across her exposed upper chest.

"Yet here you are, touching me," she replied as though reading from a script.

He asked if she would want this every night, and she cheekily asked the holodrama aspect or him touching her. He clarified by agreeing to both. She chest heaved under his fingers as she sighed in longing before she told him she just wanted him.

He bent down to kiss the side of her neck as he slid his hands down her arms. "I'd give this to you if you wanted it," he murmured, though he knew she didn't want a citadel like this in the middle of a jungle.

She leaned back against him and reiterated that she only wanted him. She tacked on master at the end, the tease.

His gut tightened despite knowing it was a farce. He kissed her neck again, tasting her fresh skin, while ignoring the circumstances. He understood Hux's reasoning, but it grated on his nerves to have to act like she wasn't already his. He dropped the thought when he felt one of her hands in his hair.

He steadied himself by holding onto her waist as he got to his knees behind her. She let him take more of her weight once he was settled, and he glided his hands down her hips to her thighs. From his vantage point, he couldn't see her lap, but he could feel the folds of velvet covering her legs.

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