If I Could Stop Time, I Would Take Your Hand; I Missed You So Bad

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He had been informed during dinner that the grand kingdom of Mol'leaj would host him for the duration. His protests had fallen on deaf ears. Organa had told him he couldn't stay on D'Qar forever since she couldn't dedicate the manpower and resources to keeping him safe and alive.

He hadn't been able to find the right words to explain the situation--the past encounter. However, he had told her that he was familiar with King Solculvis and that he wouldn't wear the collar on Mol'leaj. He had said the king was desperate for power--and anyone who had it. He had told her not to trust Solculvis.

"Be that as it may, you will hide there until I can settle a few things," Organa had stated as she applied a thin layer of bacta to his skin next to the connector plate.

He yanked his arm out of her hold and shot to his feet. "I am not your pawn! You can't just move me around the galaxy like it's a chessboard!" he had bellowed as the whole room tensed.

She'd stayed seated and held up a hand for the guards to back away. "Do you have a better plan? Is there anyone who'd take you in?"

With his Knights gone, possibly dead, there weren't many options. He didn't even know if his apprentice had survived the attack. He'd snatched the roll of gauze from the table and stomped back to this cell. The barrier had been deactivated to let him out for dinner and no one had turned it back on. He had stood there for a second before realizing that no one was expecting him to run.

He'd thrown the gauze away, turned on his heel, and had made a break for the stairwell. Before he even put one foot on a tread, he had been yanked back by the lab coat he still wore. He tried to wiggle out of the coat, but it hardly mattered. A smaller body latched onto his back and an arm went around his neck, pressing the collar into his windpipe. He'd struggled, swinging his left fist back, and heard the coat tear.

The same guard had pressed their thumb right between his neck and collarbone. He'd gasped at the intense pressure and curled forward to protect his front and right arm as he took hold of the arms at his neck with his left. Someone had then kicked at the back of his knee, and he'd crumpled like a piece of paper.

He'd been unceremoniously dumped back in his cell--with the electric barrier turned on. He had lain there, trying to catch his breath, and wondered if he were truly this weak without the Force. He needed to get stronger to get off D'Qar before being sent to Mol'leaj.

He yanked off the torn lab coat and threw it on top of the discarded cap and surgical mask at the foot of the bed. Between the lab coat and failed escape attempt, the bacta that Organa had applied was almost gone. He looked at the abrupt ending of his right arm to see that it was fine--if a little irritated. He figured a good night's rest would help.

He got off the cool floor and sat on the cot. He tried to center himself and reach into the Force. He needed to know if his apprentice was alive. He hadn't felt her death. He probably wouldn't be alive if she'd died. Somehow, that was reassuring. He would rather be dead with her than alive without ever feeling her touch or hearing her voice again.

But if she were alive, he would find her. He would find a way to tear the galaxy apart to get to her.

Their bond, usually so present in his mind, was numb. It wasn't gone, per se, but it wasn't a string to pluck to understand her internal world. He breathed deep and wished to feel its thrumming. He told himself all things were possible in the Force, and even with the collar, it was with him.

Beyond the barrier, someone cleared their throat and it felt too pointed to ignore. He opened his eyes and looked over to see Organa once more. She looked exasperated like he'd left muddy footprints in the foyer again.

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