The Heart of Love Is Their Only Light

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She had said she loved him. With tears in her eyes, she had declared it. He was giddy, weightless, shaky--powerful in a way he'd never felt. She had been pining for him, desperate for him to stay at her side. She had been open to him in ways that she hadn't been since Vader.

It almost made him dizzy now, like he'd drunk too much of Kin Al's terrible homebrew.

She had been willing to do almost anything to keep him on Volik. She had nearly promised to marry him if he had stayed. He knew now that she would pledge to him, eventually. She would come to realize that it could be good with him. He would make it good.

However, right now he couldn't. He was already far, far away from her and somewhere in hyperspace between Volik and Lelmra. The trip alone was going to take almost nine hours seeing as Lelmra was practically across the galaxy.

The last communication Reddik's lieutenant had received had been from the mountainous Lelmra. The Order didn't have much on the planet other than it had a type-1 atmosphere and was located in the Churba sector of the Mid Rim. He didn't know what he was leading his Knights into, but he felt they could handle it.

Luckily, their sensors showed that the small cargo ship was still on Lelmra. They would find it first to see if there were any signs of Jedi. That was standard operating procedure, as far as he was concerned.

Yideth thought that by the time they arrived any Jedi would be long gone. While that was true, and he agreed, any Jedi would leave a signature in the Force. They would examine any evidence and track back from there.

Intel was that the FO-commissioned Mining Guild ship had docked at a discreet Guild outpost on Tammuz-an in the Outer Rim. Tammuz-an had been taken from the Hutts by the Empire after the Clone Wars and had hardly anything the First Order needed. Or so he would have thought.

He didn't know what was on the downed ship. He could hardly guess.

Once his three-hour shift at the shuttle controls was completed, Baltek took over and then Yideth would pilot them to Lelmra. The shuttle they were on had actual bunks and a minuscule refresher. It seemed like one step above a trooper transport, but one down from a command shuttle. It would do, and the bunks were long enough for him, so he slept relatively easily with the new cloak he'd bought on Serenno as a blanket.

The proximity notice woke him as it had the other Knights around him. They all rolled out of their respective bunks and headed for the cockpit to see the mostly green planet. Thick ribbons of water ran like snakes between the large land masses. From their vantage point this far above the planet, he could see individual weather systems flowing over the water and dispersing as they hit certain mountain ranges. It was beautiful and untouched.

Baltek slid into the co-pilot's seat and ran the scanners for the Mining Guild ship. They picked up the cargo's beacon to the southwest from their current location. The signal was strong and steady and unmoving. He couldn't feel anything through the Force, so he had to trust that nothing too dangerous was down there.

"Take us down," he ordered and then went to the refresher to relieve his bladder and wash the sleep from his face. As he was standing at the tiny sink basin, he felt the ship breach atmo and swoop through the thickening air. The sound of distant thunder rumbled through the cabin, and as they dropped lower, the pinging of rain began against the hull.

He came out of the 'fresher and asked for an update. Baltek reported that the rain wasn't damaging, though it was steady. It was going to make their job that much harder.

"We've worked through worse," he stated.

Jeckhum grinned at him over his shoulder. "Like that time on--"

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