Chapter 14

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We decided to wait here until Bailie woke up so that we could try to receive some information about her. Calico had to go back to his work and to call him if we needed him. Trevor went to get us some coffee which was something I desperately needed. Now, it was just Stefan, Kyle, Drake, and I, waiting in the waiting room for Doctor Shamlin to come get us once she woke up.

Trevor finally came back with coffee and bagels and my stomach started growling as if it sensed the food. I didn't care enough to see what kind it was but after taking a few bites out of it, I could tell it was blueberry. I took a few gulps out of my hot coffee and knew it was black, just the way I like it.

After about a couple of more hours waiting, I saw Doctor Shamlin come out through those white double doors.

"Tell me doctor, how bad is it? Is she going to make it?" Kyle stood up and added a dramatic effect as if this was somehow one of those medical drama shows.

Doctor Shamlin rolled her eyes, "She's going to be fine. She woke up a few minutes ago and ready to see you guys," she informed us.

We followed Doctor Shamlin back into the room. I saw Bailie and she was sitting up straight. Her color was certainly back and could see no veins on her eyelids.

"Hey Bailie, how are you feeling?" asking her sincerely.

Bailie looked up at me, hurt her eyes. "I'm dealing," she said quietly. She saw Stefan and produced a small smile which then quickly faded.

"Bailie, if you don't mind, could I ask you some questions?" I asked her. She nodded, "What happened to you? Do you possibly remember?"

"It's still blurry, but I can tell you what I do remember," she took a deep breath. "After our fight and seeing Stefan," she added a small smile, "I went into the woods to call my father but could not get any good reception. I sat down on the log and I guess I fell asleep. I woke up and it was night time. When I stood up, I saw something moving fast in the bushes but I couldn't see exactly what it was. All I saw was red eyes and after that, darkness," she finished explaining.

Red eyes, maybe it was the same eyes I saw back in the forest? It's too much of a coincidence that we both saw red eyes. After Bailie's explanation, she seemed shaken up after explaining about the red eyes. Stefan went over to comfort her, putting his arm around her.

"Thank you again, Stefan," Bailie said.

"Again? What did you do?" I raised one of my eyebrows at him, crossing my arms. I saw Stefan's face turn nervous which made me wonder why even more.

"Before I went into the woods, Stefan saw me and comforted me. We were getting close and then he kissed me on the lips," Bailie said, giving a smile to Stefan.

A kiss? He gave that bitch a kiss? I could feel my face turning red, getting heated. Being pissed is not the right word for what I was feeling. One of those words was betrayal. That's why he was acting so nice and working hard for my 'forgiveness.' Knowing that I could blow up right at Stefan, I kept a straight face, turned around, and headed outside.

I headed straight to the forest, getting away from people as far as I could. I couldn't believe Stefan would do that to me. Sure, we aren't together and I am not jealous, it is just the fact that it was Bailie, the one who tormented me and got me suspended. I could hear footsteps running towards me as I continued to walk away, knowing who exactly it was that was following me.

"Lilith! Wait up!" Stefan called out running directly to me. I continued to ignore him, "Lilith, would you just listen to me for a minute?" Stefan asked.

"What? That you kissed the one person who fucking tormented me, striked me, got me in trouble, and talked shit behind my back? You want to talk about that? Sure Stefan, let's talk about that," I could feel my anger rising, the fire within me lighting up.

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