Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes and saw myself back in the forest. I knew exactly where I was and was astonished to see that it had actually worked. It was a beautiful sunny day as usual, birds chirping in the sky, deers roaming around the trees, the smell of lavender always brought a smile to my face.

"Lilith! How great to see you again!" Tsula came out from her garden, walking over to greet me. To my surprise, she wrapped me into a heart-warming hug.

"It's always great to see you Tsula," I smiled. "How's your garden coming along? I wondered.

"It's growing wonderfully," Tsula smiled. "I just picked up some lavender, I baked some fresh out of the oven, lavender cookies. Come on in, I will make you some tea and get you some cookies."

When we walked into her beautiful home, it was just the same way when I left. I sat down at the table while Tsula poured me some hot peppermint tea and a side of lavender cookies. Even when I'm asleep, my stomach rumbles for some delicious treats.

"How's your earth training coming along, dear?" Tsula asked.

Suddenly it hit me, does she know what went on with Bailie? How I almost used my earth element to crush her? I might as well come out with it. "About that...I'm assuming you probably know what went down a few days ago?"

Tsula nodded, "I do indeed."

"I'm so sorry, Tsula," I told her.

She shook her head, "You acted in self defense, dear. You did not misuse your element so I am not angry at you. I am angry at that Bailie wolf though. She of all creatures should know that the wolves are a part of nature and should never be used in such a manner."

I suddenly felt at ease, knowing that she wasn't mad at me for the fight that happened between Bailie and I. "If only Thea saw it that way," I rolled my eyes.

"But, it worked out in the end for you, did it not?" she said.

"You know about Trevor I assume?" I told her.

She nodded, "I know about the Blackwood family, a wonderful family indeed. A sad history though," she added. "I assume you would like to know why Jonathan Blackwood has a distaste for the SIA?"

I did want to know but would it be the same as eavesdropping? Maybe there could be important information about it? "I do," I told her honestly.

"The Blackwood family wasn't always the good ones. You see, there are wolf clans that are darkened but there are others who follow the light. They were the ones who didn't follow the light. The last clan leader was always power hungry. They tend to fight to the death to gain power. Before Jonathan was leader, there was Aragorn Night. Before the Blackwood clan, there was the Nightwood clan. Aragorn went mad with power. He would fight to the death with another clan leader so that he may gain dominance of those wolves. One would think it would be a big family, but in reality, he built an army. Anyone who would refuse to join, he would murder them and their families," Tsula explained.

"At the time, Jonathan Blackwood had a son, Trevor who he loved dearly. Trevor's mother died giving birth to him. Jonathan would do anything for his son, he was his world. Jonathan grew up in the Nightwood clan and if he were to leave, Aragorn would have killed him and his son. Trevor was only a baby, brand new to this world," Tsula went on.

"Why didn't they try to escape?" I wondered.

"Because dear, others have tried to escape but Aragorn would hunt them down and kill anyone who did. Jonathan couldn't risk it. He hated being ruled under a dictatorship," Tsula answered.

"Why did Aragorn want so much power?" I asked.

"He wanted to destroy the SIA because of what they did to his wife," Tsula said. "Before your mother's time, the SIA had a different leader and even he went mad, though this side story is not as cleared, I do know that he killed Aragorn's wife. Aragorn wanted vengeance and since that day, vowed to destroy the SIA for good. He brainwashed everyone for them to believe that the SIA was corrupted to murder supernatural creatures."

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