Chapter 4

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While the two leaders went to strategize a plan, I walked over to where Bailie and Stefan were talking.

"But seriously Stefan, who made her in charge of all people? Surely you or I would make a better leader," Bailie stated as a fact.

"It is not like she is the leader, in a way we are all leaders. We each give qualities to help us on our tasks. If you want to break it down to where it doesn't count then sure, Lilith is the leader, but it is not like she sees it that way. If you have an idea that could help us, speak up. If not, that is on you," Stefan told her.

"If I must, then I shall. I do have an idea though," Bailie smirked while walking behind Stefan to his other side, putting her arm around him. "How about, when we get back, you and I get some 'alone time' if you catch my drift," she winked at Stefan.

How about I put your hair on fire. I'm starting to dislike her more and more, each time I'm around her. "Hey guys," I gave a smile, pretending not to hear their conversation. "So a cyclops, that'll be fun. Have you guys ever seen one?"

"I haven't" Bailie crossed her arms showing attitude. "Then again, our territory tends to be far away from any other creature," she said with a nasty tone.

"I have heard of them, never came across one though. I know they have a short temper and are easily angered. Their rage is their strength. They also use a mace with green spikes which can cause a poisonous effect and could cause death," Stefan said.

"Why did it have to be cyclops...why can't myths stay as myths," I rolled my eyes.

"If myths stay as myths, then we would not exist," Bailie said with her usual attitude.

"That wouldn't be a bad thing," I mumbled under my breath giving clear notice of who I am speaking about.

Bailie gave me a stern look and scoffed off. Stefan rolled his eyes which caused me to give a glare to him.

"What Stefan?" I cross my arms.

"You two need to quit acting like children and work as a team. I am not saying that you two need to be 'besties' but for the love of goddess just work together for once," Stefan scolded me like a child.

"I tried working with her, Stefan. She does not make it easy whatsoever for me. Try being in my shoes. I still don't know everything about the supernatural world unlike Bailie. I wasn't born into it, I didn't have the chance to know and learn like you guys did. I may have gained a good amount but I had lost important things in my life because of it," I responded on my behalf.

Before Stefan could respond, Kyle ran up to us, "Guys, it's time for the hunt."

"Thanks Kyle," I responded. I looked over at Stefan, "Are we good?"

"Yeah, we're good," Stefan gave a small smile.

"Ah, ready for the hunt?" Lloyd asked with his jamican accent. Stefan and I both nodded. "We must be heading east now. Once we arrive, it will be pure night."

I nodded but asked a follow up question, "After we defeat the cyclops, what happens next?" Lloyd gave a confused look. "For you and Gurunk."

After a deep sigh from Gurunk, "I am sure that both ogres and trolls can live in peace."

"Perhaps we can team up into one civilization to live as one, we both can lead our people together in unison," Lloyd spoke up.

"Possibly so," Gurunk gave a smirk.

I looked over at Stefan to see a shock expression. I assume this is a making in history.

"Where exactly are the cyclops at?" I asked them.

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