Chapter 17

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Trevor is hiding something? Okay, so I'm not the only one, that's good. I wonder what Bailie knew so I had to ask. "I had a feeling he was, what exactly is he hiding though?" I crossed my arms, waiting for a response from her.

"You really are uninformed of the supernatural," she flipped her hair to the side. "Not trying to be a bitch though," she quickly added as she saw my glare towards her. "When it comes to full moons, it is true that the beast comes out. What he said afterwards was wrong. We still have our minds connected to our inner beasts, we still have control. When you're young and first transform, that's when it's more dangerous because they don't know how to control it. Trevor and his father are hiding something and we need to figure out what."

"Are you insisting that our 'girls night' should become a spy night? Maybe if they are hiding something, it is for a good reason," I defended Trevor. Though, I can't lie and say I am not curious. What do they say though? Curiosity killed the cat? But satisfaction brought it back.

"Are you going to keep on having your 'monologue self' or are you going to join in?" Bailie rolled her eyes showing a bit of an attitude.

I thought about it and came with a conclusion. "Fine, I guess we should find out what it is that they are hiding," I rolled my eyes, ignoring her attitude.

After discussing a plan, we headed outside and towards the training area. We hid between the trees, blocking their view from seeing us. From where I was standing, I could see a heated conversation going on between Trevor and his father. It didn't look like they were fighting, his body language showed he was nervous. What could he be nervous about?

After a few more minutes, his father must have told the others to go as it was just them left standing in the area. I could see Trevor stripping down to his boxers and I could not help but to stare at him in beauty. He looked like a masterpiece that the goddess made. His perfectly lined up torso, having a v-line near his hips. He was definitely a sexy tan-skin man.

"Are you done staring at him?" Bailie raised her perfectly arched eyebrow at me, giving me a smirk.

"Hey, not my fault he was made with such beauty. Blame the makers," I shrugged. Nothing could match up to his beauty.

"I thought you were into Stefan," Bailie said. "Are you guys not dating?"

Oh now she asks. I sighed, "No, we are not dating. It's rather complicated and I would not want to discuss about him."

"Lilith, I really am sorry if I did screw things up between you two. Sure, I'm a bitch but at least I own up to it. I know I went too far, if you want, I can talk to him about it," she offered.

"Okay, who are you and where did my bitchy Bailie go?" I laughed. As she looked at me with a puzzled look, "What? Your bitchiness grew on me," I shrugged which earned a laugh from her.

After a few pause moments, "I can feel the moon energy rising. Nothing suspicious so far," Bailie reported.

I looked up into the dark night sky and saw the glowing full moon. I was always a night person and looked up to the moon. When I was young, I would go outside and lay under the stars just to watch the moon. It was always peaceful.

As we watched closely, expecting something to happen, there were no suspicious acts whatsoever. I knew I should have trusted Trevor, he would never hide something from me. Jonathan backed away a few yards away, sensing that Trevor was going to turn into his big black wolf.

I turned around, ready to head back to Trevor's house. "Let's go Bailie, we were obviously wrong." I walked a few steps until I noticed Bailie wasn't coming. "Let's go already."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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