Chapter 9

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I woke up with my phone ringing multiple signs. Wanting to ignore my phone, I let it ring until it finally stopped. Within moments later, my phone went off again. "Ugh, who the hell keeps calling me?" I groaned.

"Hello?" My tired voice said.

"Lilly! Finally! Where the hell have you been?" Kyle said worriedly.

"Did you not hear the announcement?"

"About you and Bailie getting suspended? Yeah, what the hell is her problem?" Kyle sounded mad.

At least someone stood by my side. I guess I can count on my best friend after all. "Yup, I am now on vacation, whoopee," I said sarcastically.

"Are you alright? Did Stefan find you? He called Calico and informed him where you would be at," Kyle stated.

So that's how he found me, thanks a lot uncle, I rolled my eyes. "He sure did. Currently at his place now," I said with less enthusiasm. "Can I talk to you later? I just woke up and I am not a morning bird."

"It's noon Lilith," Kyle laughed.

"Oh whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"I know you just rolled your eyes at me," Kyle giggled.

"How you know me so well," I told him.

"Alright grumpy, I'll talk to you later," Kyle said.

After that fun conversation, I got out of bed. I decided to stay in my pajamas and headed downstairs. I could smell coffee brewing and freshly cooked bacon being made. I walked into the kitchen seeing Stefan cooking up a delicious breakfast that made my stomach growl for hunger.

Without saying anything, I went straight to my table seeing my cup of coffee made just how I like it, black. After taking a few sips, Stefan turned around to greet me.

"Morning," He smiled.

"You seem to be in a good mood," I told him.

"Because I have you back here," he smirked.

"So you were jealous?" I teased.

"If I tell you that I was, would you drop it?" Stefan pleaded.

"Well after that comment, that definitely answered my question and no," I smirked.

"Well, I made some bacon and french toast, are you hungry?" He asked me.

I nodded to him, once again hearing my stomach rumbling. Stefan set down a plate of french toast and bacon. I instantly started devouring my meal as if I haven't eaten in forever. One thing I do love about being supernatural is that my metabolism has increased so much, I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight. A lot of women would hate me for that. As I finished devouring my breakfast, I instantly wanted more.

"Damn, you really were hungry," Stefan laughed. "You want seconds?" I nodded so he grabbed my plate and stacked three french toast and a bundle of bacon.

"Don't think you're off the hook that easily. I can't be bought with food, no matter how delicious it is," I told him.

"I know but at least you're eating good though," he shrugged.

"What's on the agenda for today?" I asked him.

"What do you feel like doing?" He turned around.

I kind of want to see Trevor, after last night, it made me want to see him again. Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed with guilt. Why should I feel guilty? I mean we are just friends anyhow and he was very nice. Please, you just want to jump in his pants. I do not! Sure acted like that last night with that mouth action of yours. That was the alcohol talking...moving, oh whatever, just shut it.

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