Chapter 6

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"Lilith! Lilith! Can you hear me?" A familiar voice said.

"I think she's coming to," a Jamaican accent said.

As I opened my eyes, I saw that we were still trapped in the cave. I saw Stefan's eyes first and could see he finally relaxed. I then saw Lloyd next to Stefan. Then I saw Bailie and Gurunk talking a few feet away from us. I slowly stood back up, feeling the energy I had from leaving Tsula's realm.

"How long was I gone for?" I asked.

"About ten minutes," Stefan responded.

Ten minutes? I was gone for hours though. Time must work differently when I was in Tsula's realm. "Did I miss anything?"

"Nope, still stuck from the boulders," Stefan responded.

"Okay step back," I said while walking back over to the boulders.

"Lilith are you sure?" Stefan said as Bailie and Gurunk looked over at me.

"Yes, step back though, I'm still new to this," I told him.

Once I knew my friends were in safe distance, I summoned my element earth and instantly felt the connection. I stepped back and used my hands to lift up the boulders just inches from the ceilings. As I was taught, I concentrated on the boulders until and slowly closed my hands until the boulders turned into pebbles. I looked behind me to see everyone with either a confused expression or a shocked one.

"What?" I smirked to the others.

"Uh, Lilith? Exactly what happened to you when you blacked out?" Stefan wondered but was still awed.

"I will fill you in after we defeat this cyclop once and for all," I told him, which received a nod from him.

After a few minutes of heading back to where we were at the beginning we went left this time. Like I told them from the beginning, I told myself. Then again, I may have not learned the element if we went the right way. Guess I should thank

We continued to walk further into the cave, using fire to guide us the way. After a few more minutes, I could hear loud footsteps which made the ground move.

"Lilith, turn off your fire," Bailie instructed.

Remembering the plan Bailie made, I nodded and turned off the flame. I had Bailie take the lead so that she could guide us. As we got closer, Bailie turned around and put her finger to her lip to signal us to be quiet. We sneaked silently through the dark, getting closer to where the cyclop was at.

Bailie peeking around the corner, she turned around nodding, informing us that she sees him. While coming up with a quick plan to attack, a deep voice loomed over us.

"You may as well come out, I can smell you all. A wolf, troll, ogre, an elemental, and some freak. I see the trap didn't kill you all," the cyclop said with a deep husky voice.

"You know what you called us?" I retorted as we came into the opening.

"Dinner," the cyclop smirked.

"Your death sentence," I corrected him.

The cyclop gave a heavy laugh, "You puny, I will squash you all, just like I did to the other trolls and ogres," he laughed once more.

That apparently made Lloyd and Gurunk mad, because suddenly they rushed towards the cyclop, dodging his attack with his mace as they jumped into the air and stabbed him with their weapons.

"You will pay for that," the cyclop said angrily.

"Remember, his strength is his anger," Stefan reminded us.

The Elemental: Earth HowlsWhere stories live. Discover now