Chapter 1

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What started off as an outstanding day ended with a horrid twist. Stefan, Kyle, Drake, and I just returned from our first mission since we defeated Lord Delaney. Lord Delaney, a past council leader of Australia. He made a group of rogue vampires to change the rules for which they act. Instead of having peace with the humans, he wanted to have them as their own meals and use them as 'specialty toys.' Of course, we couldn't allow that. While we and my Uncle Calico joined us to end his reign of evil, we ended up captured. Wasn't that just peachy. They made us and definitely including me, had us use a bucket to empty our bowls! I felt like an animal trapped at the zoo. Of course they did have a curtain for our privacy but seriously...a bucket? Now that was pure evil.

Anyways, we had our battle and long story short, defeated Lord Delaney once and for all. Then his grandson who once was on his side, had a change of heart and joined us. Now he rules Australia and everything has been peaceful with them. Ever since we completed that mission, we were on break. We celebrated a mission well done and Kyle came out to his family. If I haven't mentioned it yet, he's bisexual and dating a vampire known as Drake, the son of Lord Lazarus Thornes. Kyle, a humanoid dating a vampire, I did not see that coming nor did anyone else.

After a month of a paid break, which by the way, went far too fast, Thea called us back into work. She sent us out on a mission to deal with a giant slug monster. By dealing with it, she meant for us to kill them. Seemed like an easy mission right? Nope. That giant slug got his sluggy gooey slime all over my outfit! Man, am I glad that he is dead. What was almost just as bad was that he was hidden in the sewers, which by the way, was not a pretty sight...or smell. During the battle, which took a bit longer than expected, he trapped me inside his body so that I could slowly die. Of course, being the smarty pants that I am, I used my fire and burned his insides. I can understand living in the sewers, I can understand having a battle, but what I can not and will not understand is why he had to mess up my clothing. Way to ruin my day.

So here I am, back at the SIA covered in goop, returning to Thea letting her know that the mission was a success. "Hey Marrie" I said to her with a smile. Marrie is the receptionist at the SIA who works behind her desk. With her white as a pearl hair, pointy eyes that could easily glare you down with, sharp teeth that seemed that could bite through thick skin, and her floral dress except this time had strange green design.

"Lilith, how lovely it is to see you..." Marrie stopped talking as soon as she saw me covered with goo. "Fun mission I suppose?"

"If you think being covered in yucky sticky goo, then sure," I jokingly said.

"I suppose you are here to see Thea." Marrie said it more as a fact than a question.

"As usual. Though I am a few seconds away to run back to my home and have a hot shower to wash this muck off of me," I rolled my eyes which made Marrie giggle like a schoolgirl.

"Go on through Lilith, she is expecting you," Marrie nodded as she pressed a button thus opening up the two big white doors.

As I stepped through, I was still amazed how big this building really was. From the outside, it does not look as big but once you step in, your mind would be blown. Standing outside of Thea's door, I knocked on it three times and waited for a response. As soon as I heard her voice telling me to come in, I opened up the door with my friends and I, walking through and then closing the door.

"What is that horrid stench that I am smelling?" Thea wrinkled her nose trying to block away the smell.

"That would be the goo from the giant slug that we battled," I rolled my eyes.

"I take that it was a success seeing that you are all standing here." Thea stated.

"Of course, it was an easy but disgusting mission," I told her.

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