Chapter 7

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Heading outside, I went to go look for my friends. I saw them across the street where there was a big 'park' if you call it a park that is. Good amount of trees, a couple of park benches, and a nice trail. It was a wide park and good privacy away from the buildings. Stefan wasn't around but I saw Bailie with her back towards me, talking to Kyle and Drake. Wondering where Stefan went, I walked towards the others.

"Seriously though, because of her, we went the wrong way and got us trapped from the boulders. I told her to go left but of course she had to disagree and go right. She could have gotten us killed," Bailie said to Kyle and Drake, not knowing I was standing right beside her.

I was appalled by what I was now hearing. Me? I made them make the right turn that led us to get trapped? I could feel my blood heating up. It was her fault! She didn't want to listen to me and made the choice to go right! "Excuse me Bailie, just what the fuck are you now spurring up?" I crossed my arms glaring at her.

"Oh Lilith, just telling them about how we got trapped from the boulders," Bailie smirked, putting her hands on her hips.

"You mean, when you got us trapped, ignoring what I was saying that led us to get trapped," I said while trying to keep our cool.

"Uh, I think we are going to go...anywhere but here," Drake said while grabbing Kyle's arm and walking away.

"What? It was your fault of course. Like we should listen to an outsider like yourself," Bailie said trying to taunt me.

"You know, I saved your ass from dying, despite the fact of my hatred towards you. Ever since you came here, you have been acting like a spoiled bitch who acts like you deserve the world," I told her angrily.

Knowing that I pissed her off, she slapped me hard across the face. "Watch who you are speaking to. You are nothing but an incompetent little orphan. Just because your parents couldn't save themselves from the attack, you act like you are so innocent, but I'm not falling for that like your stupid friends are," she hissed.

Oh that's it. This bitch is going down. Feeling the sting from her slap, I could feel my fire element taking control. My hair turning bright red like the flames, my eyes darkening, and veins showing across. "That is it!" I shouted. I spread my arms around, making a ring of fire around us.

"Oh it's go time, bitch!" Bailie shouted. She shoved me out of the way and then transformed into her wolf.

As she stalked around me in her wolf form, she leaped up, preparing herself to bite me. In good timing, I shoved her hard, watching her go back. I flamed my hands with my fire element, waiting to strike again. Bailie again leaped up into the air and in return, I punched her hard in the mouth, sending her back a few feet.

Bailie growled, showing her white pointy sharp teeth. She then rushed towards me, so I went to punch her again but this time I missed. She pounced at me, sending me to the ground. She proceeded to start clawing at me, making gush marks over my arms. I put my hands on her side to burn her which caused her to jump back and whimper.

I quickly produced fireballs and started throwing directly at her. As she dodged each fireball, I threw one more and hit her in her side which caused her to go down. Sending back my fire element, I called upon my earth element. I used the ground to conjure up a boulder and before I could throw it at her, Stefan came out of nowhere and stood in the way.

"Lilith! What in goddess name are you fucking doing!" Stefan shouted at me.

As Bailie transformed back into her human self, she stood back up. "She attacked me like a crazy bitch!"

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