Chapter 12

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I saw Bailie limping her way into my home. She was badly beaten up, cuts all over her arms and legs, leaving a bleeding trail as she limped over to us, hoping that one of us could stop the pain.

"Stefan, get some blankets now. Kyle, get pillows propped up. Drake, go to the bathroom and get my first aid kit, now," I instructed them. Once Stefan came back with the blankets, I laid them now nicely. As the pillows were propped up,"Trevor, help her lay back down," I told him.

Once Bailie was laying down, I could see she was trying to say something. "Save your energy, we got you now." I took out some alcohol rubbing and gently dabbed it on her arms and legs. I could see that she was holding back her whimpers but she stayed strong during this. Knowing I was going to need a better healing mechanism, I called upon my earth element.

I could instantly feel my connection with the earth, as I have done so in the past, I put my hands on Bailie and concentrated on the main areas. It took a bit longer than last time I saved Bailie's life. I could see her blood slowly stopping and her cuts starting to heal up. Her face had bruises and one of her eyes became a black eye. Knowing that she will heal her other injuries in due time and knowing she will live, I put my hands off of her.

Suddenly, I felt my energy drained. I almost fell back but Trevor held onto me. I looked at him smiling, showing thanks for catching me. After a few moments, some of the energy returned.

"Bailie, what are you doing here?" I told her. Here we are, again. Saving her life regardless of how much I hated her since the day we met, yet I keep on saving her stank ass. I'm such a good person. Yeah, but you also did say, 'what could possibly go wrong?' Remember? Oh shut up you. If I were to know she would have come here, I wouldn't have said that.

"I got attacked," Bailie said slowly, still feeling some of her pain.

"Na really? I figured we were having a Halloween party," I rolled my eyes which caused a snicker from my friends.

Bailie winced at her pain as she tried to sit up. "I don't know who or what it was. I don't even remember where I was last at," she complained.

"I have an idea," Stefan said. "After the fight between you two, you guys got suspended, where did you go?"

Bailie took a few moments before answering, trying to remember where she went. "I went on a hike at first to try to cool down. Since I got suspended, I didn't see any point staying here. I called my father to see if he could arrange travels. That's all I can remember."

"Is that all or all you willing to give us?" I crossed my arms.

"Look Lilith, I know we don't have the strongest trust between each other, but I am serious about this. Something big is out there and something bad might happen," Bailie said as if it was some warning.

Letting Bailie lay down there, I walked away from the others. Contemplating on what to do, I start pacing back and forth. Moments later, Stefan walked over to me with concern all over his face.

"What do you think it could be?" Stefan asked, hoping I had some idea.

"I have no clue Stefan. She was beaten up badly. She was kidnapped, who knows what they could have done with her," I told him.

"What are we going to do with her?" Stefan looked over at Bailie.

"We can't let her go, Stefan. She's still injured and needs to rest. Besides, maybe in the meantime, she may remember something that could help us figure this out," I answered.

Trevor walked over to me, "I may have an idea," he said. "Back home, we have a shaman that could possibly help and help restore her lost memories."

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