Day twelve

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Day Twelve


Overnight, Matty's condition takes a turn for the worse.

I can see, as I stare at my boyfriend, that he is doing worse than before. My heavy chest is filled with indescribable sorrow as I hold his once-warm hand in mine, my fingers trembling. The frail string of hope I am so desperately clinging onto is fraying with every passing hour.

All I know is that Tina and David are currently sitting in an office with a doctor. I do not know what words are being exchanged but I cannot push past the feeling of foreboding as I wait for them to come back again. Although, I am not sure if I want to ask what was said for fear that it may be worse than ever.

"Mr Montgomery?" A doctor says as he stands by the door.

My eyes burn with exhaustion as I look up at him, "Yes?"

"I am Doctor Martinez," He introduces himself. "May I have a moment of your time to speak with you privately?"

"About Matthew?" My grip on Matty's hand tightens, almost protectively.

"Yes," He confirms.

"Is that allowed?" I question only because, for the past two weeks, no doctor or nurse has been willing to explain anything to me. All information that I hold knowledge of has been passed to me through Matthew's parents.

Doctor Martinez looks momentarily addled, "We have you listed as his significant other, so yes. Mr and Mrs Jenkins have also asked if I may speak to you."

"Oh," I pause. "Okay."

The sterile white walls of the hospital feel as if they are closing in on me as I anxiously trail after the doctor to a private room. When I am seated, my hand clutches at the edges of my chair. The air feels heavy with anticipation, and I struggle to shake off the overwhelming sense of dread.

The doctor's expression is sombre. He takes a deep breath before locking eyes with me. "Alex, I know this is incredibly difficult, and I'm truly sorry for what you're going through."

My heart pounds in my chest. I nod, my voice barely a whisper, "Please, tell me what's happening."

The doctor is slow as if choosing his words carefully. "As you would very much know, Matthew has been in a coma for a few weeks now. We've been monitoring his condition closely, and despite our best efforts, there has been little improvement. His brain activity is limited, and we've consulted with specialists who agree that the chances of recovery are extremely slim."

I fight to maintain composure, "What does that mean?"

Dr. Martinez sighs, "I'm truly sorry. After discussing the situation with Matthew's parents, they have made the difficult decision to turn off life support. Matthew's brain function is not expected to improve and keeping him on life support would only prolong his suffering."

The weight of his words hangs in the air, suffocating me. I feel a lump forming in my throat, making it hard to breathe. "No, there has to be something more we can do. Is there no chance he can fight through this?"

The doctor reaches out and gently places a hand on my shoulder. I squirm under his touch. "I understand this is incredibly painful. The decision was not made lightly. Matthew's parents believe it's time to let him go peacefully. We will do everything we can to make him as comfortable as possible. I do want to prepare you, though, with the fact that once Matty does pass away, the police investigation will become a murder inquiry."

That Boy [bxb] - sequel to P.B.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang