Author's Note

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I know you're going to skip this but please take time out of your day to read this. I just would like to clear a few things up :)


Hello sexy people,

Please put this in your libraries so you get updates when it's posted!!!

Everything I said in Pretty Boy's Author's Note is the same with regard to this story. You probably don't remember what I put so I'll do a little run down.

There is also discussions of suicide/suicide idealisation in this book. I would like to be clear that there are no suicide attempts made.

• Main character is Italian so some of the thing he says will be in Italian. I will be using websites and google translate. If it's incorrect, correct me on it.

• Also correct any spelling or grammar mistakes.

• Anything offensive or disrespectful in the story that is not to do with the character's personality and is clearly at my fault? Let me know, I'll make sure to apologise and take it out as soon as possible. As said in the other Author's Note, I never intend to be disrespectful, but I'm still learning about things and may get things wrong.

• I'm not from the USA, so I may get things wrong. For the purpose of the story, if it's not a big or important mistake, just go with it.

• If you're homophobic, why the fuck are you here? Any disrespectful or hateful comments will be deleted and you will be blocked.

• Matthew has anxiety. I base his experiences off my own. Just because you or no one you know has the same reactions or behaviours as him with regard to certain things, doesn't mean no one does. You don't speak for everyone.

• Alex has BPD. I do not have that. I intend not to guess anything and have taken a lot of info off the internet and people who have the disorder. I get anything wrong? Let me know. I'll correct it.

• A trigger warning will be put in place every time there is a panic attack included in a chapter.

What I'm about to say might come across as unnecessary, but it's necessary to me and others who suffer with disorders and illnesses and are blamed for how with think or act or are told unkind things.

There is a certain chapter in Pretty Boy where the comments really upset me. This was chapter 15, specifically where Matthew is majorly overthinking and comes up with the idea that Alex kissed him to out him and blah blah, you've read it.
There were a lot of unkind comments telling Matthew to 'shut up', 'the world doesn't revolve around you', 'calm down', 'you're so stupid/dumb', etc.

I base Matthew's reactions and behaviours off my own struggles with anxiety. That includes his overthinking. If you didn't already know, anxiety makes you overthink to the point where it can even been seen as extreme. It's not something we can control. All the comments that were directed to Matthew in that scene are directed to me too, and upset me to the point where I sat and cried, debating whether or not to just delete the whole thing.

Anxiety is a disorder, a very self-centred disorder, meaning his thoughts are attacking him. His body is in fight or flight mode. He cannot help it. Comments like 'shut up' are very unkind because it's really not as simple as that. I don't care if he's just a character. Anxiety is a real life issue.

I take this very much to heart. Would you say that to me while I'm panicking and overthinking? I'd hope not. The comments made me feel so stupid about myself. Please, think before you comment. There are reasons behind thought processes like that.

I wouldn't usually care about what you comment because it's your opinion and your opinions are valid and you can express them all you want, but for this, it's to do with a mental health disorder that I and so many others struggle with on and daily basis. When people are being unkind about something that you cannot control or change, that's when I have a problem with your comments.

I understand that people forget, that's okay, but Pretty Boy is based around Matthew's anxiety which means it will be prevalent in this one, too. Keep that in mine while you're reading, please. It's so important to be kind.

Allysallymeowy  summed it up perfectly.

• There's sex in this story

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• There's sex in this story. Don't like? There will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter, just before it starts, and right after it ends so you can skip it without skipping out the entire chapter and missing important things.

• Pretty Boy is a cliché. This might be labelled as one, too. I'm not sure yet. Don't like? Don't read. No need to comment it in a negative way. I'm already aware.

And that's it.

Thank you so much for clicking on this story and enjoying Pretty Boy enough to want to read it's sequel. I hope you like this book as much as you liked the previous one.

Happy reading!


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