Chapter 5 *A Girl's past*

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(The days went by with no action happening. Just a few kids stealing wallets. Reo fixed up his wounds, still thinking on being on his own. They all decided to get some rest for tomorrow. Selene decides to wake up early, to get a head start.)

Selene: "Maybe Reo will see that I'm actually good at this stuff, if I'm already ready before him."

(Selene decides to make a cup of coffee. She grabs a mug and stands there for a moment. She thinks about the video that was posted from the news. Kaen standing there with fire everywhere, but then she started thinking of another fire. Instead of Kaen standing there, it was a girl. She had medium straight black hair,and green eyes. She couldn't make out what she was wearing, but she was screaming at her.)

???: Mizuki!

(Selene broke her daze and then lost her balance and fell. She dropped the mug which then shattered into little pieces. Reo walked in.)

Reo: "Selene!"

Selene: "It's ok. I'm fi..."

Reo: "My mug, damn it. What are you, drunk this early in the morning? Walking around throwing mugs on the floor."

Selene: "No I just lost my balance."

Reo: "You're paying for that. I can't be spending all my money on mugs because you decided to have a drinking party by yourself."

Selene: I'll clean it up.

(Selene cleaned up the pieces of the mug, while trying not to think of her family.)

(The three of them go out to the city looking for more crime to stop. Reo and Selene walking and Sara a little ahead of them doing a little dance to no music.)

Sara: "Hey Reo, can you play some music?"

Reo: "I don't have a phone."

Sara: "You don't? Why not?"

Reo: "I can barely afford where I live. I'm not gonna spend all my money on something to help me talk to people. Especially when I don't like talking to people."

Sara: "You like talking to me."

Reo: "I don't."

Sara: "Come on Reo. You're lucky, most people are born and raised as only children. Hey Selene, do you have any siblings."

(Selene was still walking. She didn't say anything back, she wasn't listening.)

Sara: "Selene!"

(She was snapped out of her own trance.)

Selene: "Yea, huh?"

Sara: "I said do you have any siblings."

Selene: "Uh, no. No I don't."

Sara: "See Reo. Her childhood must've sucked. She had no one to hang with besides her parents. At least you had me."

Reo: "I tried to stay away from both you and our parents."

Sara: "Reo. You're mean."

Reo: "No one said I was nice."

(Reo and Sara continued to argue back and forth. Selene went back in her little trance. Remembering the fire when she was young, remembering her parents dying, remembering her sister.)

Reo: "There's no crime, again. Why are villains not doing anything anymore? It's pissing me off. Selene, stop being quite damn it. Use your wind to fly up and look for crime or something."

Selene: "Huh? Oh uh, ok."

(Selene then flies up in the air and looks around. She just kinda spins slowly looking, but then she sees another girl, right in front of her flying too. She had medium straight hair, and green eyes. She was wearing a shirt that said Tokyo on it, and jeans.)

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