"Of course! Let's go let's go let's go" she bounces up and heads out the door. Y/n was around Wooseok's age, but sometimes I'd question whether she was really an overgrown child.

While we're walking down the hallway, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look down at my pocket and take my phone out, then read the name on the caller ID. It's the CEO of our company, and no, he isn't with the mafia.

I pick up the phone, "Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Hui? Lee Hoetaek? This is CEO Moon here"

"Yes sir how may I help you?" I politely ask him. Usually he never calls anyone unless they've done something extremely wrong. My heart is beating out of my chest. I haven't done anything have I?

"Could you meet me in my office? It's important" Mr. Moon says, more of a statement than a question. I nod my head before realizing he can't see me, "Y-yes sir we're on our way." He hangs up and I turn my attention to Y/n.

She doesn't say anything, but her face says it all. "He said for us to meet him in his office. More specifically me" my eyes shift from the floor to Y/n's face. I can tell that she's just as nervous as I am. Y/n places a hand on my back and look into my eyes,

"Better to just rip of the band-aid then slowly take it off. Let's go" Y/n makes a determined face and pulls me along into the elevator.

My heart is beating the entire time we make our way up to the office. Was I really about to get fired? But for what? I haven't done anything. I can't help but be nervous, this job is really special to me. I don't really have to take other jobs like Yuto does because of this one. If I wanted to, I could, but I just don't.

Y/n, being the angel she is, tries to calm me down as we walk down the hallway. Saying little things like: "you aren't in the wrong in anyway, so this is probably a good thing" or "if they fire you I'll go too." It warms my heart, the thought of Y/n leaving the company because I got fired. We reach the door and Y/n smiles and looks at me one last time,

"You ready?"


"Great let's go!" She opens the door, and walks inside, and I follow behind her. The office is modernly decorated, with big windows facing the skyline. I follow Y/n in front of his desk and sit down in the chair next to her.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

Mr. Moon was a tall, lanky man. With almost the same build as Wooseok except a little leaner, and older-looking. He was about 46, but he still looks relatively good for his age. His black hair is parted on his forehead, which probably contributes to him looking younger than he actually is.

"Yes Mr. Lee please take look at our company stock" Mr. Moon says, turning his computer monitor around to show me and Y/n the stock market prices.

The line is green and the arrow is slowly making it's way upwards. I look at the numbers on the graph, everything looks phenomenal as always! So why am I here....

"Yes sir I see the prices are going up" I nervously utter. I have to repeat myself so he can properly hear what I said.

"Do you want to know why they're going up?" Mr. Moon sings like a bird on a bright and sunny morning. I nod my head and gulp a little. I don't know why I'm still nervous.

Mr. Moon turn the monitor back towards him and clicks with his mouse for a little while before reading off the monitor. "May I set up a meeting with Y/n's manager? When is Y/n free this month? Does Y/n need another stylist? Would you like more help in Y/n's management?" He says reading off whatever he's looking at on his monitor.

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