"We need to stop by the store on our way back." I tell my man as he helps me get dressed.

"Are we short on something?"

"Chocolate. My period is near." I tell him honestly, feeling no need to hide things from him.

"Oh no! – Blake gasps dramatically, staring at me with wide eyes – And we don't have any chocolate?! However will we manage?!" I laugh at his ridiculousness. He's so weird.

"Stop it. – I giggle, slapping his arm playfully – I'm not that bad, am I?"

"No, you're not. You're not even moody, so I think I lucked out when it comes to that."

"You lucked out?"

"Of course it's me that's lucky. Had you been moody and cranky, I would've been the one to endure it." He scoffs, making me gape at him in astonishment. That cheeky ass!

"I have a feeling I will be extremely moody this time. I just know I will." I smirk mockingly, enjoying the nervous look on Cakey's face.

"Don't even joke like that. – he shudders – It's scary to even think about."

I can only laugh at this. My Cakey is so fucking cute!

I shamelessly watch my Blake get dressed, feeling my ovaries melt from his hotness. He is looking fucking edible in his leather jacket, ripped jeans and combat boots.

My lustful haze is broken by the sight of none other than that dreadful sling I'm forced to wear. "No. No, please no! I'm fine without it!" I back away from Blake and try to get out of the room. But my man is too smart for his own good and swiftly blocks my exit.

"Don't whine, kitten. You need to keep your shoulder still for at least two more weeks." Blake patiently retorts, already used to my complaints.

"But I hate it! I can't move my arm!"

"That's the point, baby. Now come here and let me put it on you or I'm gonna get your dad to do it." He threatens, knowing I won't be able to fight my dad off.

"Fine." I grumble and stand still as he incapacitates me once again. I despise not being able to move.

"Good kitten. My little cutie." Blake cups my face gently before kissing me lovingly. Damn him. Now I can't even stay mad.

"Let's go, baby. – he grasps my hand and locks our fingers – We still have some time for breakfast." With that we leave our room and head to the kitchen. I'm surprised to see my dad and brothers already there, but I don't say anything. I'm just grateful that my dad's still with us. I love having him around. The guys are staying at the clubhouse, since they're all prospecting there, but they still come to visit almost every day.

"Hey lovebirds." Aiden is the first to notice us, greeting us with a smile as he sips on his coffee.

"Hi Prospect." I tease, grinning cheekily at him. I love playing with him, he's so easy to rile.

"Come on, how long are you going to mock me about it..." My brother groans, but I can tell he's not mad. He enjoys our playful banter as much as I do.

After greeting everyone, Blake and I take our seat at the table, with me perched on my man's lap as usual. Dad serves us our breakfast, like he does every morning. I told him he doesn't have to do that, but he only said he likes taking care of his little mouse. That shut me up.

"What got you in such a good mood, sis?" Ashton asks curiously as we eat.

"Nothing. – I shrug – I'm just happy to go back to my classes. I'm way behind and I can't wait to catch up with everything."

"Nerd." He chuckles, getting a glare from Adrian.

"Don't you dare make fun of nerds. Should I clear your bank account?" Adrian threatens, making me giggle at the scared look on Ashton's face.

"Nope. Sorry, sis."

"Don't worry about it."

"I got to say, you're looking better and better every day. You're just... glowing." Aiden adds, smiling warmly at me.

"I've been using a special moisturizer lately." I say seriously, causing them all to either take spit-takes or choke on their food. "Are you okay, big bro?" I ask in mock worry as I pat Aiden's back.

"I did not need to hear this. I never want to hear this." He grunts.

"You'll get used to it, son. Trust me." Dad chortles, casually drinking his coffee. I only grin at him. He knows I'm not ashamed of my sexual life and he's learned to accept it. But it's still funny to play with my brothers. Their reactions are hilarious.

"You're so mean, kitten." Blake laughs quietly, kissing my head.

"And whose fault is that, bad boy?" I tease, booping his nose playfully. Cakey just shakes his head at me, but doesn't deny it. It's not his fault, obviously, but I like to tease him about being a 'bad boy'. I like playing with him in general. Lately I've been much happier and jollier than ever, mainly due to finally being released from my haunting past. The misery I've been feeling for years is no longer there and I actually feel lighter and freer.

"Okay, lovebirds. As much as we like seeing you so cute and in love, we're here today for a reason." Aiden gets serious all of a sudden, making me frown questioningly at him.

"Is something wrong?"

"That depends on how you look at it. – this makes my frown deepen – It's Christmas in three weeks... and it's sort of a tradition in our family to spend it with our grandparents. I think mom told them about you, cause I got a call yesterday from grandpa Joe." Aiden pauses, seemingly hesitant to speak.

Ashton decides to save his brother. "Our grandparents would like to spend Christmas with you. They want you to come to Atlanta."

The Unbreakable (Ghost #3)Where stories live. Discover now