CHAPTER THIRTEEN- the journals ✔️

Start from the beginning

I grumble, "I am ok, but you won't take no for an answer. Send him in, but no matter what he says I am staying here."

"Only staying if doctor gives all clear. Remember I am an Alpha and you are only a Beta's mate."

I growl at him. "I am the Alpha's oldest daughter. My mom was an Alpha's oldest daughter so I have double she-wolf Alpha blood through both parents. We are at least equal in rank. Now bring in your doctor. I still got to make supper and then get my little ones to bed."

He called in the doctor. He examines me. I go to place the screen up around the murphey bed. I struggle to move it into place it and he comes over and quickly gets it in place for me. The doctor comes in, "hello, I am Lycan Pack Doctor Apollo. How about we discuss why you were put on bed rest?"

I tear up and reply, "when I discovered my mate were hurt and later passed away- I passed out. We had just announced to the pack I was pregnant a few days ago on Christmas Day. My pup is due March 20. The doctor put me on bed rest. They were not letting me have my time with my girls. I know it is because they are concerned, but I needed time away from family. I need time to mourn, so took to their old village they came to as a child and adult."

"Well let me examine you."

While I was being examined  Alpha Conrad started making supper.  The doctor examined me. Afterwards he walked over to the alpha. "She is fine physically. The baby has a strong heartbeat and measures ok. I do think the fainting spells were basically from shock. I see no reason she cannot stay here. She is not suicidal because her pups give her the reason to live. I would like to suggest we use this place as the hospital base if she agrees to it. This place is only 2-1/2 miles from where we were going to set up base camp. I can check in on her once a day."

"Excuse me, but I am the patient and this place is where I am living. I came here to get away from being smothered by family and for alone time."

The doc looks at me, "my apologies. I get use to examining and reporting automatically to the alpha."

"Please remember not to do it again in regards to me. If you promise not to get in my alone time I grant you permission to set up here. I ask that this room and my mate's room remain off limits.  I will grant you permission to check on me once a day. Now let me get the girls at the table to eat. Thank you alpha for making something."

"It was just Veleveeta Mac and Cheese. Since you are going to let us use this place as base camp. In lew of payment how about we have the mess hall  provide you meals. You show us which room your mates is and I will mark it as off limits." I pointed out their room. Then they walked to the door. "Oh and don't forget to contact your family. I will send a runner to let them know your safe."

I link Issac, "Issac I am ok. I am right now with the Lycan. I am right now needing space to heal. I need time to mourn my mate's."

"Meri you taking off like that was irresponsible. We have rouges and possible a pack war starting. We don't want you and pups hurt."

"Issac, I am protected. Just give me time. I love you and send my love to the family. The Lycan alpha made his pack doctor check me out and the new pup and I are both fine. Now I am going to head to bed. Goodnight." Then I block him.

I lay the girls down and I snuggle under the blanket after I add another log into the stove. I then open up one of their journals I found in their room.

Last night we watch Star Wars again. Issac, Brett and I. We keep going back to the Ewok one. Their tree village is super cool. I suggested we make our own Ewok village. This morning we took off to the center of the territory. We found a large hollow tree.  We went back to the pack house to the workshop area warehouse. We found the medal spiral staircase. We took it apart and loaded parts into our wagon. We did several trips back and forth until we got the whole stairwell there. We then got three steps made when mom called us home.

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