The two dukes finally came to a truce which made everyone happy. We all decided to start heading to the Whale tree to see Raizo the ninja. I could tell Law was excited even though he looked the same as usual. We went through the secret entrance and down the steps to where Raizo was tied up to a poneglyph. Never have I seen so many people be so extremely disappointed in one go.  Luffy and Chopper were demanding fure jutsus while Law said it would be nice if he could see a clone jutsu. That reminded me of a food called Naruto. No idea why.

It was a massive surprise when he did use some jutsus like smoke jutsu and clone jutsu. Law didn't show it but he was stunned too. I threw my hands in the air excitedly and jumped in excitement demanding for him to do it again which he gladly did for me. The red poneglyph was one of the four to find Raftel which stunned everyone. Big Mom and Kaido had the other two while the fourth was a mystery.  We could steal the copies but Luffy really wanted to haul the large poneglyphs around. Apparently Robin would soon become a target since she was able to read them but she wasn't worried since she had us. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me to her.

"Especially this one, he's probably helped me out the most. He's the mom of the group so he won't let his precious child be taken away. They're more likely to take him away first as well" Robin told them with a bright smile.

"Are you trying to praise me or strike fear into me, Robin?!" I yelled.

"Why not both?" Robin smiled.

"... That's mean. Also, for the last time! I'm not mom!"

"Are you sure about that? What abo-"

"STOP!" I covered Robin's mouth.

My face was beat red while Robin was laughing. I had to cover her mouth so no one would find out how soft I was. I'm not a mom. Finally, the Nekomamushi explained that the poneglyphs were stories that couldn't be destroyed and that the Kozuki clan made them. Unfortunately, before this knowledge could be passed down to Momonosuke, Oden was executed in the Wano Kingdom to protect all of his retainers. Kaido wanted the secrets Oden held since he traveled with Gold Roger. Now their mission was to open the borders of the Wano Kingdom and kill the Shogun.

Kinemon asked Law to join the battle and help as well as Luffy but Luffy refused saying he didn't want to follow a leader that was a crybaby until Momonosuke showed his resolve. It was troubling to hear what had happened to Momonosuke. Luffy agreed to join once Momonosuke showed his bravery. Momonosuke turned to me but I waved my hand to tell them I was already in. Despite Law not answering, Luffy said that Law agreed already which made Law pissed. The Ninja-Pirate-Mink Alliance was formed that day.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I see some of you guys want some smut. Fun fact, Robin and (M/N) have a weird dynamic because (M/N) acts like a mom but sometimes Robin will be the older sister. Second fun fact, (M/N) has never seen or heard of a ninja up until now so he's got a bit of that childish attitude asking Raizo to do it again. Also, has anyone realised when Zoro fights with guys, he licks his swords and talks about swords? Look at his fight with Kaku. Also, should (M/N)'s wedding outfit be a dress or a suit? I've actually written that far into the part where (M/N) agrees to the wedding.

 Also, should (M/N)'s wedding outfit be a dress or a suit? I've actually written that far into the part where (M/N) agrees to the wedding

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Have a baby (M/N). He's a happy child even though he's malnourished due to only eating sugar items. That's why he's so pale. I hope his smile cheers you up. Thanks for reading!

 Thanks for reading!

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