Misbehaving Children

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[M/N][L/N] P.O.V

The next day had come, I woken up early from a nightmare and found my way to the kitchen and began cooking breakfast to feel better. I was surprised to see Perona next to me floating there with her head on the counter as she eagerly like a child watched me. I just continued cooking away as she watched me while drumming her fingers on the counter.  She had already grabbed a plate by the time I turned back around after flipping the pancakes and cooking the bacon. With a red face, she thanked me before taking the food and sitting at the table.

"Could you not talk without your hat? It's not cute..." She childishly whined

"It's not meant to be cute" I replied

"But I prefer you cute..." She whined

"I'm sorry but some people enjoy ridiculing me because of my voice and it is just really embarrassing. Now eat." I admitted

Perona stabbed her fork into the plate as she kept trying to convince me to take my hat off. Soon, Mihawk entered in and noticed we were eating. I probably looked like a mess but I don't care, I was enjoying my food and no one can tell me otherwise. Mihawk grabbed himself a plate before quietly taking food and eating it in silence. This really was a quiet man. Finally after an hour, Zoro wondered in and took a large amount while Perona pouted. She kicked her legs childishly because Zoro hogged up all the pancakes. My eye twitched as I wondered if these Perona was seriously complaining over food.

"Wah! I hate you so much Zoro!" Perona complained

"Well your opinion doesn't matter!" Zoro retaliated

Those two got into an argument.

"Hey Mihawk, how do you put up with fighting like children?" I jutted my thumb at them

"Ignoring them works fine" Mihawk answered

I tried the way of Mihawk who was successfully ignoring Perona and Zoro who were now at each others throat. Perona stole some pancakes from Zoro. Maybe I was tired and cranky but damn these two were yelling like banshees. Looking at those two in disbelief and disappointment, I just continued eating. The moment a plate was sent flying my way, I had enough. I caught the plate right in front of my face. Calmly, I put the plate down on the table as Mihawk who was sitting near me at the head of the table, watched while eating. He seemed slightly amused under his stoic eyes.

That man must have the patience of a saint but I'm no saint so I didn't. As calmly as possible, I got up and politely pushed my chair in before walking up to the two dumbasses. Zoro had sensed the danger so he had backed off but Perona took that as her victory and tried bragging. I whacked them both on the head lightly before putting Perona back in her chair and grabbing Zoro by the collar of his shirt and dragging him back to his chair before putting him on his seat. Perona and Zoro were quiet as I gave them a disappointed look.

"Perona you're 25 and Zoro you're 19! Do you two need to fight like babies or do you just enjoy fighting?" I chastised

"... I'm sorry" Perona apologised

"Zoro?" I raised my eyebrow expectantly at him

"...sorry" Zoro quietly admitted

"Now, please apologize to the owner of the place. He has had to put up with you two bickering like children for two weeks. I think he deserves an apology." I crossed my arms

"...sorry" Both of idiots apologized

"Forgiven" Mihawk curtly replied with a slightly smug undertone

Relieved, I sat back down and enjoyed a quiet breakfast. Zoro and Perona had settled down, behaving like adults. Once I was done, I cleaned my own dishes and the pans before redressing my wounds, the red scar to my side was still very bright. My fingers lightly trailed the scar as I looked at it. I bandaged it up since it only brought painful memories. I couldn't stare at any scar for too long.  I should move on but ...I can't forget. Before my tears could fall, I wiped them away. Ace wouldn't want to see me sad.

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