The Royals Return

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Mady's POV

I enter my room and sat on my bed as I chuckled. Those lovebirds won't have the willpower to keep their hands to themselves.

I laughed a little but stopped. In my peripheral vision, something's glowing.

I look out the window and saw a faint glow that grew stronger and out spits a portal.

I stood up from my bed and looked closer and my heart was racing.

One by one people started to appear from the portal. They look like...witches...wizards. then I saw a familiar face. I covered my mouth as I start to sob. Uncle Sage! A witch followed after him. Oh my fucking goodness. It's aunt Claire.

After everyone got out of the portal, they all went to the direction of this house. They're what's left of us and they're alive!

I bolted outside of my house, crying as I went to aunt Claire and hugged her.

"A-aunt C-Claire. You're alive!" She started to cry as well.

"Yes...we were hiding in the other dimension. child are alive as well!"

Uncle Sage hugged me as well. "H-how? What about Naveen? "

I smiled at them and said with confidence and pride. "He's alive"

Everyone started to cheer and rejoice.

"Our future is safe!"

"Long live the beholders of magic!"

Everyone cheered. They started hugging each other and giving each other kisses and high fives.

"Where's Naveen? I want to see him." I nodded. He's in that house. I'll wake him up and get him."

"We'll be waiting." Uncle Sage said and everyone started to sit on the grass.

I nodded and ran back to the house.

I almost tripped while running up the stairs but caught myself. I didn't knock on the door but opened it wide and saw Naveen kissing Sera as she sleeps I laughed and whispered loudly to not wake Sera.

"Naveen! They're alive!" Neveen froze and looked at me in shock from my voice as he separates from Sera.

He whispered back. "What?!" I laughed quietly. Guess he didn't hear that.

"Uncle Sage! Aunt Claire! They're alive" I finally said not whispering. His eyes grew wide and carefully got out of bed and wore his robe.

We went into the field where they were. Everyone stood up and bowed at Naveen.

"I can't believe you're still alive after everything that happened."

Uncle Sage gave him a tight hug. "We'll all be sleeping well knowing that there's a sure future for every one of us.

"When's the coronation?" One of the wizards shouted. Everyone got rilled up and jumped in excitement.

Naveen got nervous. "Uhm...uncle-"

"As soon as possible!"

Aunt Claire chimed in. "How about in two days? It's Naveen birthday! We'll have the coronation at the same time!"

"Uncle...I'm content with where I am and what I have now. Why not take over the throne yourself? I have the love of my life, family...all of you guys. I'm happy." My heart melted as Naveen said that.

My uncle gave him a small smile. "It's rightfully yours and you are the one with the royal right. We'll all help you. All of us." Naveen looked around the people and he smiled and nodded.

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