10. Lovers And A Hater Everywhere I Go.

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OMG! I can't believe it- so many reads! :D anyways sorry but this one is gonna be short because I have sooo many exams and stuff goin' on in my life that I just couldn't keep up.  That's why I was so shocked to see so many reads, votes and followers in here 'cause I wasn't on here for so long!! Anyways thx for everything people!

"Omg. Does she always have to eat at our table? I mean, it puts me off."

"Omg. Did she always have an airhead? I mean, when she opens her mouth, no wonder I can hear the ocean." I fired back, glaring into Rebekah's cold, grey eyes and daring her to even speak. As usual, she went to her 'Joshie' , expecting back-up.


"What?" Josh looked up to her lazily, picking up a fry and slowly biting into it, clearly not even interested anymore with us bickering and arguing, probably because we have done it for the last five hours straight. Luke was right - she certainly needed to take a chill pill and fix her eyeliner.

"As I was sayin', before I was interrupted," James continued, glancing at us both, "Jenna's plan is great and if we do it correctly, we might just cancel the DD game. 'Cause of that, we might prevent Mike from getting involved, caught, and be expelled." He finished, with a triumphant glory in his eyes. I looked smugly at Rebekah, when he said my plan was amazing. That's when she spoke up,

"But...when is the DD on? Plus we don't even know where the locker is, where all the deeds are written!" She looked confused, but she felt like she had to get involved, mainly because I was.

"It's not official yet, 'cause the teachers may somehow find out and ruin it. But last time it was somewhere before the end of school, which is a year away." Luke explained. He must've seen our shocked faces, because he added,"I know, it's October, and the game is ages away from now. But trust me, finding the locker, plus finding a way to the key to it is not this simple. Oh yeah, and finding out who is in charge of checking the written deeds every month, to see if anybody stolen it. We need to really focus on this, guys."

"Whatever. Anyways, who likes my new denim shorts?" Rebekah replied. She got up from the table and shook her butt in our faces. I slapped my hand on my forehead, mentally agreeing that she was not one of the brightest kids in school. She needs to really practise on being serious on some occasions.


 As I finished showering and blow-drying my hair, I heard a faint sound of Maneater by Nelly Furtado coming from my school bag. I looked at it with alarm, frozen to the carpet which I was standing on. Did I hear correctly? Was that my...my..

I shook myself, and grabbed for the phone. Sure enough, it said DANGER on my screen. It was a good thing I've chosen a song for this annoying person, so if he called, I would know it was him. If I didn't  remember who the song was for, I obviously could just look at the name and immediately think of him.

I wasn't sure what to do. So I just told myself to not be such a chicken and I slid the green phone symbol to the left on my screen. And almost immediately regreted to, when he said this,

"Go on a date with me."


"And why not?"


"You're not making this any easier, Jenna."

"I don't need to, Chris." I sneered saying his name. I didn't want to see his pathetic face ever again. But wait. I didn't have a choice right? My revenge wouldn't work if he didn't like me. Does that mean I have to go on the date? Oh crud..

"C'mon. Get out onto your balcony"

I went out, feeling the warm air hitting my face and I realised how warm it was at night. I looked out into the garden, expecting to see Chris with a band of people playing romantic songs on their guitars, and maybe expecting a table for two with a big bowl of spaghetti. I think I watch way too much of Disney films.

I stood there, shock clear on my face. I didn't see anything! I looked further into the garden, desperate for a sign of Chris. I furiously walked inside my bedroom, landing on my bed. I couldn't believe it. Why did I think Chris actually likes me? Now I know why people say that if you had your expectations to high, you would be dissapointed most of the time..! I thought, cursing under my breath.

Then I realised.

I went to my other balcony; it was located at the other end of my bedroom, so I barely used that one. It faced the road, which was another reason I preffered the one facing my garden. The view was much nicer and calmer and I had more privacy.

Chris was leaning on his car, looking bored out of his mind. When he looked up, his grin widened.

"What took you so long? Got lost?" He shouted, enough for me to hear, and added,

"C'mon, I wanna take you somewhere! And don't tell me no!" And with that, he went in and started his car.

I mumbled to myself, "Do I get a say in this?" but nonetheless I stomped my way downstairs to inform my parents about my 'date'.

I went in the living room, to see my mum read a very old looking book, which was thick enough to make me a headache and sudden boredom. My dad was on our leather sofa, typing away on his laptop, probably something to do with his business. As usual. I fake-coughed, trying to get their attention. It worked.

"Mum. Dad. I going out. I'll be back before ten or somethin'." I looked at them with my famous puppy eyes.

"Oh darling...where?" My mum looked at me with a sad expression, which surprised me. She and dad never cared when and where I went.

"Um..I'm going with a friend of mine..his name's.." I couldn't say I'm going with my ex, because this could lead to tons of questions from my parents. So I looked around the huge room frantically, trying to find a suitable name. I noticed one of the books on the shelf written by Gary Gibson. By the way, I've never heard of him. I usually read books by Suzanne Collins, Stephenie Meyer and Rick Riordan.

"His name is..?" Dad looked at me waiting for my answer. I suddenly switched back to reality.

"His name is Gary." I held my breath, hoping they would believe me.

"Gary. What an unusual name sweetheart."

"Y-yes. Um..so I'm gonna get goin', okay?"

"Of course. But remember, I would like to meet this 'Gary' someday. Oh yes, and come back before ten." My dad instructed, before going back to his typing.


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