7. I Can't Believe It.

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Me and Liv went down the stairs, eager to take a sneak peek at the crew through the window. As we were about to look out, Luke and Mike headed for the door, with that swag. "Oh my goodness! Look at them! Now I really am jealous of you Jenna!" Liv exclaimed, smiling goofily like a teenager after her first kiss.

One hand in his pocket, Luke rang the doorbell and automatically looked at the peep hole, smirking, sensing we were behind it. We adjusted ourselves and perfected our party looks before opening the door to reveal two Prince Charmings. I smiled at both of them, imagining what a cool time we will have together.

"Hey there Jenna. Ready to get wasted?" Luke joked, whilst embracing me, and he whispered, "You look beautiful." I giggled, thinking how funny he was. And then I  realised. I haven't introduced Liv yet, so I said, "This is Olivia, Liv for short. Liv, meet Luke and Mike, and there's James in the car. Liv is gonna come with us, if you don't mind." When I said this, both the guys sized her up, from head to toe.

"Yo Liv. I'm Mike, as Jenna said. I promise you're gonna have a great time with us, seriously!" He joked, trying to make her feel welcome, and I was starting to feel proud of myself.

Liv talked to them, batting her eyelashes and biting her lip. I could see that she wasn't at all uncomfortable with all the attention she got.  I grinned despite myself,She is my bestie and she's surely gonna get a guy on her list! I thought, mentally high-fiving myself.

As we walked to the car, I noticed James behind the wheel of his Ferrari. Even he started to gape at her. His eyes went up and down, and he had a huge problem hiding his interest. Liv winked at him, while I had to introduce her again.


We arrived at the club the guys talked about. As I looked out of the darkened window, I saw that it was enormous, with palm trees surrounding the building and artistic colours made it look exotic and welcoming. However, the first thing I noticed was the never ending queue! It stretched up way to the car park. As we parked there,  the music was louder and louder. 

Luke got out and opened the door for me, waiting for me to get out. "Come on, beauty, we need to show everyone what they're missing." Luke said, winking at me and pulling me close. I didn't let go, whilst iinhaling his sweet scent. In the corner of my eye, I could see James getting up and helping Liv out of the car too. Wow, now Liv will not be jealous of me.

In Luke's embrace, I started to walk to the end of the queue. Liv thought the same thing  too.

"Hey, where are you goin'?" Mike suddenly said to all of us, "You forgot I've got connections, huh? We obviously aren't gonna wait for ten hours, are we?"

We smiled, relieved.

As we went inside, I gasped in shock. Everything was in black and white, in a wavy lines. They reminded me of hypnotised eyes, and eventually, just by looking at them, I felt sleepy and hyper at the same time.

"Jenna and I have to go to the washrooms, don't we, Jenna?" Liv barely finished her sentence when she started to drag me there.

When we got there, she immediately asked me about a hundred questions," Jenna! Which guy are you takin', Mike, Luke or James? OMG they are utterly hot! Don't you think Luke is a bit weird? Jenna why did you never tell me your goin' out with him?! I might pick Mike, or James, but not Luke, he's yours, obviously. Well? answer me, like, right now!"

I stared at her with my mouth open. I had completely forgotten what she just said. Did she mention Mike? I was too distracted by the shuffling I heard in the cubicle. I could see only golden high heels, but I knew too damn well who was in there, listening to our very 'private' discussion.

I started for the door, pushing Liv in the process. I hoped that whoever was in there, that person would not know for sure it was us. But if she did, it would be hell.

Fortunately, Liv wanted to get a drink in the bar, because apparently waiting for a drink will make us moore irresistible. Whaaaaaaaaat? I thought.

As the door shut behind us, I could just glimpse a tall figure coming out with a phone in hand. It made me very suspicious, only for a sec, because we bumped into the crew.

"Well, there you are! We were lookin' everywhere for ya!" James exclaimed, throwing his arms around Liv and me.


After a few drinks, I was becoming light-headed. And that is saying something, because it was only two hours into the party.

I was dancing with some dude with dreadlocks, who reminded me of Santa Claus, for some reason. He was about to snog me, when a figure appeared between us, pushing the santa guy away. "It's my go. C'mere sweetheart."

I giggled uncontrollably, as Luke began to position himself. I was dancing like never before; with my back to him, and his arms around my inner thighs, we moved in circular motions. The longer we danced for, the higher his hands went, until eventually he was centimetres from my panties.

I didn't feel comfortable with this. I just met him today for goodness' sake! Anyways, I got my excuse.

I think God took pity on me or something, because the song ended and I was free to go. At last!

"I need to get a drink-hic!-like, right now!-hic!" I was about to go, when I noticed his hands  were still there, only much more firmer and harder than before.

"Um..Luke-hic!- I need to get a-hic!- drink! 'Cause I got -hic!- hiccups!" But even my excuse didn't make him let go. Maybe he didn't hear me over the loud music that just started. I started to get angry.

"Look, if you don-"

"Jenna. Pretend you're havin' a good time and when I kiss you, you have to kiss me back, ok?" He whispered in my ear, very fast.

"What? But I-"

"Please! I'm gonna tell you later, I promise." And with that, he turned me around and smiled flirtatiously, bringing me closer to him.

He started to move his hands down my back and onto my butt, and so I responded by smirking and my hands went around his neck, whilst all that time my brain was filling up with questions. What is happening? Is he trying to use me to impress someone?

I mentally shrieked no to all my thoughts. He would never do this.

That moment my heart skipped a beat, in time to 'can't touch this' by MC Hammer. I don't know who started it first, but we were soon kissing so furiously, so  my thoughts vanished away. Poof! 


I completely had forgotten that we were snogging in the middle of a club, no-where near where I'd expect my first kiss with him. However, my fantasy just got crashed by a lorry (full of brussels and coated in cabbage soup, if that's possible) because we got interrupted when I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

I wanted to shout at that person to leave us the heck alone, when I felt the tap again. Almost in a flash, I spun around, whilst in the process I've knocked the person's glass onto his shirt.  My anger vanished, as guilt and embarassement crept in. Because standing in front of me is Christian Williams, my ex.

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