Part 47

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Thursday came and Andrew was finally starting to relax knowing that his sister would soon be home safe. But with as much relief from the approaching weekend came just as much anxiety. It was hard to spend so much time with Addison and yet knowing things he couldn’t tell her. Then there was the matter in which he spoke to Marcus about. He just hoped everything would work out. Then he could finally start to relax. 

    Just like everyday he and Addison sat together on the couch in the study when the doorbell rang. They both nearly jumped out of their skin from surprise. No one ever used the doorbell. They rarely got visitors and everyone in the family just walked in and out. By the time they made their way into the foyer the whole family was there also. The same confused look on their faces. Marcus looked at Andrew and told him to leave the room because he wasn’t suppose to be there. Everyone was standing close by and ready for anything. They had been around long enough to know surprises like this were rarely good. It was only seconds really before Marcus opened the door to find a young lady standing there.

    “Hi, I’m looking for Andrew Fairchild?”

    Before she was even finished Andrew was already standing next to Marcus.


    “I heard you were looking for me.”

    Addison looked from the girl to Andrew, and then looked around at everyone. Everyone seemed to be just as surprised and confused as her except Andrew and possibly Marcus. They seemed to be a little surprised but not at all confused. She caught Andrew glance her way with a look of guilt. Her stomach turned and it took everything to not run out of the room. But just as much as she wanted to run she was equally furious and ready to demand answers. Who was this girl? And what did she mean he was looking for her?

    Marcuse was the first to break the silence. 

    “Please Cara come in. I’m Marcus welcome.”

    “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you.” 

    “We will leave you two to talk. Andrew you can use my office if you need to.”

    Addison just glared at Marcus. She couldn’t believe what was going on. And there was no way she was going to let them go into that office without some kind of explanation first. Before Andrew could make it to the office she grabbed his arm and pulled him to a halt. He told Cara to go on in and he’d be there in a minute. When he turned to face Addison he could barely look her in the eye but finally took a deep breath and looked at her. 

    “What is going on? Who is she and why did she say you were looking for her?”

    “Because I was.”

    “What? Why?”

    “Addison please calm down. It’s not what you think. She is an old friend.”

    “Old friend? Come on I’m not stupid! She’s a vampire and you are, well were, a vampire hunter. It’s impossible you two were friends.”

    “I understand you’re upset and rightly so. I should have told you but I didn’t know how. And I didn’t think she’d show up so soon and unannounced. Please let me go talk to her and then I will come back straight to you and explain everything. I’d like you to hear it from me but if you really want to you can even ask Marcus. He’s the one I asked to help me find her.”

    “So you were searching for her!”

    “Yes, but please let me explain when I’m done.”


    Addison disappeared out the back door. Andrew hung his head and took another deep breath before heading into Marcus’ office. 

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