Part 31

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“May! Conner’s not in his room!”

    “Addison calm down. He just went hunting with Reed and Landon.”

    “What!?!?! He is injured! Why didn’t you stop him? He needs to be in bed!”

    “Addison! Conner is going to be fine. Plus I think it will do him some good getting out of the house with his brothers. He needs to get up and stretch his legs. He has been in bed for almost three days in a row.”

    “But what if he gets hurt?”

    “He is with his brothers. His arm is healed and his ribs should be completely healed soon if they aren’t already. I believe Conner knows his body’s limits better than we do.”

    Addison sighed and finally gave up. She went out the back door and leaned up against the porch post. She was so angry about Conner running off without telling her she let out a little growl.

    “And here I thought I was the only one in this house that had anger issues.”

    Addison spun around terrified to find someone was behind her. 

    “What are you doing here?”

    Andrew sat on the porch, his back leaning up against the house. The kitchen window just above his head. Addison was nervous to find him outside of his room. 

    “Sorry did I scare you? The guy upstairs, the one that was sitting outside my room, said I was free to roam the house. I guess I’m not a flight risk or something anymore. I’m Andrew.”

    He stood up and took a step towards her. Addison took a step backwards, forgetting she was on the edge of the porch. She lost her balance and started falling back. Andrew quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward. She flew towards him and fell into his chest, knocking them both down onto the porch. Addison was completely shocked and terrified at the same time and before Andrew could say a word she ran back inside. 

    “Well you’re welcome!”

    Running through the house she almost collided with Winnie, but she just continued to her room. Andrew sat on the porch. He flexed his fist. He was amazed at how fast he was able to react to Addison’s fall. He wondered if he could also run as fast as them. He fought with himself about it. Part of him was dying to get up and just take off running but the other half didn’t want anything to do with the abilities that came with being a vampire. He thought that if he denied the vampire ways it would go away but he knew it would never happen. He finally gave in and stared running around the yard and with each lap he found he was getting faster. Winnie watched him from the kitchen window, but she wasn’t the only one watching him. 

    The guys returned from their hunt. They came in the front door. Landon and Conner headed upstairs but Reed saw Winnie in the kitchen. 


    Winnie spun around and hugged him.

    “You’re back!”

    “You seem to be in a much better mood. What brought this on?”

    She didn’t say anything just walked back up to the window and pointed. Reed was speechless. 

    “What is he doing out there?!”

    “Marcus said he could leave his room but not to leave. He asked to get some fresh air and the next thing I know he is running laps around the back yard.”

    Winnie couldn’t help but to laugh and smile as she informed Reed on what had gone on in his absence. Reed just looked at her. He hadn’t seen her this happy in a long time. 

    Upstairs Landon went to get Love and Conner went back to his room. When Conner walked in the door he saw Addison standing at the window. 

    “Addison I know you’re mad, but I had to get out of here. I know I should have told you I was leaving but I knew you wouldn’t let me go.”

    “Um. Yeah it’s alright. May told me you went out with Reed and Landon.”

    Conner was surprised. He was expecting her to flip out and start yelling at him. Addison moved to the bed and sat down. Conner could tell something was on her mind but didn’t want to ask. 

    “So did you eat anything?”


    “That’s good. Do you hurt anymore?”

    “My ribs still hurt a little, especially when I laugh. Other than that I’m fine now.”

    “That’s good.”

    There was a moment of silence. 

    “Conner? Are you going to leave again?”

    “Addison, no. I’m so sorry I left you before.”

    There were tears in her eyes and Conner moved to sit next to her. 

    “I’ll never leave you again.”

    “You are all I have. I can’t lose you!”
    Conner hugged her.

    “I promise little sister. We will never be apart again.”

    Winnie and Reed turned around to face May. 

    “Please come with me.”

    Winnie looked up at Reed, but she could tell by the look on his face that he didn’t know what this was about either. She felt worried and a little panicky. They held hands as they walked side by side, following right behind May. She led them into Marcus’ office. Winnie had never been in this room before. This made her even more nervous. Her hands were even beginning to sweat. Winnie and Reed looked around and found they weren’t the only ones there. Landon, Love, Gabe, and Grace were there also. Marcus stood up from behind his desk and walked around it to stand next to May. 

    “We have asked you all here for a reason.”

    “May and I chose my office for this meeting because as you all know it’s the only room in the house that’s sound proof, even to our sensitive ears.”

    “We need to tell you all something.”

    “But it can’t leave this room.”

    They all looked at each other with confusion, but they all agreed to keep the secret.

Reed & Winifred (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz