Part 37

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Winnie walked into her bedroom and found Reed standing in front of the window. She made her way to him and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his back. Reed slowly turned around and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her gently on the forehead. She loved being in his arms. She closed her eyes and smiled. He picked her up and held her close. Then he sat down on the bed. He gazed into her eyes. She couldn’t handle it anymore and Winnie leaned in and kissed him. Neither one of them held back. Reed’s fingers tangled in her hair. Winnie felt as if they were one. Reed pulled back and looked at her with his usual little smirk. 

    “I have something for you.”

    Winnie just smiled and gave him a questionable look. 

    He grabbed something out of his pocket. 

    “Winifred Faith Fairchild will you promise to be with me now and for eternity?”

    Winnie froze. All she could do was stare at him. She couldn’t breath. She couldn’t move…just stare. Reed reached for her left hand and slowly placed a ring on her finger. She looked down at her hand. 

    “Oh my God Reed!”

    “It’s a four carat diamond, set in an antique sliver band.”

    She just looked at him in shock. 

    “Winifred please say something. Do you like it?”

    “Reed I love it! But how…this had to cost a fortune…”

    “Well a fortune I have. And the band was my mother’s so really all I bought is the diamond.”

    He smiled at her and laughed as she just sat there staring at the ring. 

    “So will you? Will you marry me?”


    He swept her up into his arms and circled her around. He kissed her with more passion then he thought was possible. He lightly laid her on the bed. His movements were quick but gentle. He leaned down to kiss her lips and then her cheek and down her neck. Once Winnie caught her breath she hardly spoke but knew he would hear her. 

    “I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me!”

    Reed froze. Winnie felt she had done something wrong. He looked her in the eyes as if searching for something.

    “Trust me I will always want you. I have lived a long life and I have never felt this way before. Now that I have you I will never let you go.”

    Winnie pressed into Reed’s chest and he wrapped his arms around her tighter. 

    “Good, I don’t know what I would do without you. I want to be like this forever.”

    “I promise…forever.”

    When they announced their engagement there were mixed responses. The women were head over heals and already talking about planning the wedding. The men congratulated the couple. Love couldn’t keep her eyes off the ring. Then she asked Landon when she was going to be getting one. 

    “Love we’ve been together for a very long time; why do you need a ring now?”

    “Because my little brother and future sister should not be getting married before me! Maybe you can talk some sense into him Reed.”

    Not everyone was overjoyed. Conner and Addison dutifully congratulated the couple but were obviously not happy with the news. Winnie realized Andrew had left the room shortly after they announced their engagement. So after the excitement died down Winnie went looking for him. She found him on the back porch. 

    “Hey little sister.”

    “I’m guessing by your solitude that you are not very happy with our news.”

    Winnie sat down next to her brother. He just stared off at the woods.

    “Please say something Andrew!”

    “I’m sorry I want to be happy for you but…he’s a vampire!” 

    “We are all vampires.”

    “I just never wanted this life for you. I never thought my little sister, who I’ve tried to protect so much, is going to marry one of them.”

    Winnie leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder. She placed her hand on his leg. Andrew looked down and saw the ring.

    “Good God Winnie! What size is that?”

    “A four carat…”

    Andrew looked up at her face with complete amazement. 

    “Well I guess we know he has the money to take care of you.”

    Winnie smiled and swung her arms around him and hugged him. Then she leaned back and looked at him. When Andrew looked at her face her emotions had done a complete one-eighty. 


    “I just realized Dad isn’t going to be able to walk me down the aisle.”

    Andrew didn’t say a word he just hugged her. When she looked up at him again a tear ran down her cheek. 

    “Andrew, when the time comes…will you walk me down the aisle?”

    He didn’t say a word. He just stared at her. 

    “I mean you are the only family I have left and I…”

    He gently kissed her on the forehead. 

    “I’d be honored.”

    Again they hugged each other and Winnie let out a few more quiet sobs. When they came back inside Reed instantly noticed she had been crying. He let out a quiet growl and was quickly by her side. When she smiled up at him he knew she was alright; his anger quickly melted away. He held her hand and kissed it. Even this simple act sent fire through Winnie. Without letting go of her hand, they headed up stairs. 

    “What have you been crying about?”

    “It’s nothing.”

    Reed looked her in the eyes. 


    “I promise.”


    He picked her up and kissed her.

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