Part 30

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Winnie didn’t get much sleep during the day. She couldn’t stop thinking about everything. She had nightmares of Reed and Andrew being stabbed. When she was awake she could hear other people up and moving around. As soon as the sun set Winnie got dressed. Then she sat on the end of the bed, afraid to leave the room. She knew as soon as she walked through that door there would be no more peace and quiet. 

    “What are you thinking?”

    Winnie turned around to face Reed.

    “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

    “It’s fine. I was just watching you get ready.”

    “Are you feeling better?”

    “Winifred, please stop worrying about me. I’m fine.”

    “I guess you know how it feels now.”

    They both smiled. Reed wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. Then he jumped up and got dressed.


    “As long as you never leave me I’ll be ok.”

    She kissed him and they stepped out into the hall. Marcus was sitting outside Andrew’s door. When he saw them he looked up and smiled. 

    “Good Morning Winnie, Reed! Oh Winnie, he has been asking for you.”

    Winnie was suddenly filled with even more emotions. She was happy and excited that he wanted to see her but also nervous and scared because she didn’t really know why. Without a word Winnie gently knocked and went into the bedroom with Reed right behind her. 


    He was standing, looking out the window. He turned to face her but was shocked and disgusted to see Reed standing next to her. 

    “Get out!”

    “But I thought you wanted to see me?”

    “Not you, him! Leave!”

    Reed looked at Winnie and slightly squeezed her hand. 

    “It’s alright Reed. Why don’t you go check on Conner.”

    He hated to leave her but nodded. 

    “I’ll be right outside the door.”

    He said this more as a warning to Andrew than to comfort Winnie. He kissed her on the cheek and walked out the door, closing it behind him. Andrew continued to stare at the door in disgust. 

    “How can you stand to be next to him? After…after everything he has done.”

    “Andrew what did you want to see me about?”


    Andrew had turned back to stare out the window. 

    “Andrew I’m truly sorry about everything.”

    Winnie moved closer to him slowly. 

    “I didn’t know you would be so upset with me. I just couldn’t sit there and watch you die. You might have the strength to kill me because I’m a vampire but I’m not like you.” 

    Winnie fought back the tears. 

    “Is that what you think?”

    Winnie was confused. Andrew turned around and looked Winnie in the eyes for the first time since she had changed. 

    “I could never kill you. I hated that this happened to you. I hated myself for not protecting you from these evil creatures that I’ve spent years hunting. Above all things I hate HIM! I took you because I wanted to get you away from here. Even if you were already one of them now. Plus I wanted him to come after you; so I could kill him for doing this to you.”

    Winnie and Andrew sat down on the bed and talked. 

    Reed listened to Winnie and Andrew from the hall. When he had heard enough to understand and know she was safe with him he went to visit Conner. When he walked into Conner’s room he found him sitting up in bed. 

    “You’re looking better. Nice to see you’re sitting up now.”

    Conner gave a little smile but it was forced. Reed could tell he wasn’t in the best of moods. 

    “Addison told me.”

    “Yeah I figured.” 

    “I’m sorry Reed, really.” 

    “Don’t worry about it. I understand. I’m just glad you’re back. This place hasn’t been the same without you.”

    “I didn’t know what to do. I’ve never felt this way about anyone and I know she is your’s and she loves you. I just got so jealous and confused I couldn’t handle it. I thought leaving and getting away from you two would help, but it didn’t. I found myself always thinking and worrying about her. Sometimes I even came back to check up on her and everyone.” 

    “I’m sorry. You should of told me this in the beginning or someone at least. We could of talked and tried to help you.”

    “Well Addison saw it right away. Especially when we were all at the cottage. Speaking of which, why didn’t you tell me back then that the hunter was her brother?”

    “I don‘t know.”

    “If I had known I might have spared him.”

    Conner tried to laugh but it just came out a painful cough. 

    “I guess the ribs aren’t totally healed yet?”

    Reed laughed and Conner just smiled. 

    “Hey what are you two in here wasting this beautiful day for? Let’s go do some hunting!”

    Reed and Conner just stared at Landon standing in the door way. He was almost bouncing off the walls with excitement. Reed looked at Conner and raised his eyebrows. 

    “Landon you are crazy!”

    “But I guess that makes us just as crazy to agree!”

    The three boys smiled and raced out of the house. 

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