Part 26

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Reed walked down the stairs. 

    “Hey May, were you just upstairs?”

    “No, why?”

    “Marcus and I just heard someone in the hall and we were checking on who ever it was.”

    “I’ve been out all night and just got home. I ran into Winnie, well more she ran into me, when I was coming in. Other than that I haven’t seen anyone since I’ve returned.”

    “You don’t think it was Winifred upstairs do you?”

    May could see the concern on his face.

    “I don’t know. Why, what happened?”

    “Marcus and I were talking and then we heard like a soft scream or like someone was scared or shocked. When we went to see what had happened no one was in the hall.”

    “What were you two talking about?”

    “At that moment…the hunter.”

    “Reed! Winnie did run out of here pretty fast and I felt that something was wrong. She went out the back door. Oh I hope she hasn’t run off again.”

    With May’s last thought Reed was flying out the door. 


    Reed stopped and turned around right before leaving the yard. When he saw her sitting on the back porch he sprinted back to her. 

    “Where are you going?”

    “I was afraid you had run off again.”

    “No. I don’t think I’ll be running anymore. I’ve learned even when I don’t want to bring my self back I end up back here somehow. I know this is my home and family now.”



    “Were you upstairs just a few minutes ago?”

    Winnie hung her head. She was unable to look up at his gorgeous face.


    “Is something wrong? Are you ok?”

    Winnie paused before confessing.

    “I was looking for May…I heard you and Marcus talking.”

    Reed sighed deeply. 

    “What all did you hear?”

    Winnie looked up into Reed’s eyes.

    “Reed, am I in danger? I heard you two talking about someone and how he might come after me.”

    Reed sat down next to her no longer able to look her in the eye. 

    “I wish you hadn’t heard that.”

    “Who is it? Why are they coming after me? How long have you known?”

    “He is a hunter. It is common for a hunter to come after our kind. He has been in town for awhile.”

    “How long?!?!”

    “Since before we went to the cottage.”


    “That’s why we went out there. We didn’t want him around when you were feeding for the first time.”

    Winnie thought about it and actually felt relieved that it wasn’t because of her that they left.

    “But he followed us, somehow. He knows what happened. That’s why he is still here in town. We think he is going to come after us, but it’s been such a long time and he hasn’t made a move. It’s why Marcus and I are always gone. We are out looking for him and keeping an eye on the house. When you were dreaming and hearing voices I was so afraid that it was him. Then you said you knew the voice was your brother’s.”

    “You should have told me.”

    “Winifred, you have had enough to deal with without all of this. Plus it’s because of the hunter that we freaked out so much when Conner first left.”

    Winnie thought back to that day. 

    “You should have told me.”

    “I’m sorry Winifred.”

    “Can I have some time alone? I need to think about this.”

    Without another word Reed stood up and went back inside. Winnie took in a deep breath, trying to hold back tears. Her mind was racing. The nightmare never seemed to end. She was being hunted and had not even known it. She was in danger; everyone living here was in danger. She leaned back on the porch post and closed her eyes. She just wished life could be simple again. She felt a pinch on her arm. She opened her eyes and saw someone next to her, but she passed out before she could move or say a word. 

    “Now that you know there’s no reason to wait!”

    Reed went back up stairs and told Marcus that Winnie had over heard their conversation. 

    “So she knows everything now?”

    “Well no…”

    “Reed the poor girl needs to know. I think you should tell her everything.”

    “But I’m afraid it will be too much for her. I’m just happy she didn’t go running off when she first heard us talking.”

    “That just shows you she is starting to except all these changes.”

    “I just don’t want to give her more than she can handle.”

    “I know she means a lot to you. If you want help telling her everything you know I’ll go with you but you have to tell her.”

    “Ok I’ll go talk to her again.”

    Reed left Marcus’ room and slowly made his way back down stairs. He was afraid to tell Winnie everything he knew but he also knew he had to. She had the right to know. He made his way through the kitchen and out the back door. He was surprised to not see Winnie sitting on the porch were he had left her. He opened the door and yelled for her, knowing she would hear him from anywhere in the yard or house. When he didn’t hear a response he went back inside and yelled if anyone knew where she was and started looking for her. 

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