Part 23

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" I wonder what you are."

Winnie woke startled. She sat up and tried to catch her breath. Reed was still sound asleep so she slowly got out of bed and left the room. She made her way downstairs and out the back door. She sat on the steps and looked up at the stars.

"Aren't you suppose to be in bed? Or do you plan to run again?"

Winnie jumped when she heard him, not seeing his approach from the darkness.

"Oh my God Landon you scared me to death!"

He just smiled and stood in front of her.

"So are you running? Because if you are let me at least know where you are heading this time. I don't think my brother could handle you disappearing again."

"Thanks for the concern but I don't plan to run; at least not right now."

"So what brings you out here on this fine night?"

"I could say the same to you."

"I asked first!"

Winnie couldn't stand the smugness Landon had in his attitude all the time. But she had to admit he was always fun and up beat to be around.

"I couldn't sleep..."

"Let me guess nightmares?"

"You got it!"

"Yeah I heard about your screaming episode at the cottage. I'm glad I missed that one."

He let out a laugh and Winnie glared at him.

"So tell me about this nightmare of yours."

"I'd rather not!"

"Ok fine, but you know I'm going to have to tell Reed you were out here and then he will be asking you to tell him about it."


"Well I'll leave you to your star gazing."

"Wait you haven't said why you are out here."

"Umm...I just got back from some hunting."

"But didn't you just go hunting the other day with Love?"

"Yeah but I like to do my hunting alone. I just go with Love to keep her company and keep an eye out for her."

Winnie thought about it and understood. She even envied him in a way, because she desired to go hunting herself.

"Good night!"

"Yeah you too!"

Landon went back inside. After a while the sun started to set and Winnie hurried back inside. She did not want Reed to think she ran off again. She quietly made her way back into bed without waking anyone. She put her arm around Reed and laid against his chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

She just laid there and felt his chest rise and fall with each breath. Reed pulled her tighter before drifting back to sleep.

When Winnie, Love, and Grace got back from a shopping spree Reed rushed to her side.

"I'm so glad you are home!"

"It's nice to see you too."

Winnie laughed at his over excited greeting.

"I have a surprise for you!"

Winnie just looked at him. He grabbed her hand and lead her to an empty room off the kitchen.

"Why are we in the pantry?"

" Because I want to show you something. I started to notice you were getting thirsty. So I talked to Marcus about an idea I had."

Reed turned on the light and turned Winnie to face a freezer against the back wall. Winnie looked at it with a confused expression.

"What's in it?"

"Blood! Fresh human blood. So you don't have to drink that disgusting stuff you've been drinking. Plus since it's human it will last longer."

Winnie thought about it. She just stood there staring at the freezer. Then her head started spinning.

"Reed I don't feel so good."

"What? What's wrong?"

He wrapped an arm around her.

"It's nothing I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

Winnie took a deep breath and smiled up at him.

"Positive! A little light headed for a moment but I'm fine."

Reed ached to know if she was telling the truth or lying to make him feel better.

"Thank you! But I'm going to go sit down, maybe do some reading."

Winnie kissed him and walked up to her room. Reed shut the door and went out to the living room, where Gabe was reading the paper.

"Am I crazy or was that a great idea?"

Gabe looked over the newspaper and gave him a smirk.

"I guess she didn't like it?"

"Oh no she liked it."

"So what are you upset about then?"

"It was just her reaction to it."

Gabe put down the paper and looked at Reed.

"Ok I'm listening. How did she react?"

"She told me she didn't feel well and then told me she was fine. Then she runs off upstairs."

"So Winnie doesn't feel well; what's new?"

As quick as a breath of air Reed tackled Gabe onto the floor. Gabe fought back but laughing the whole time. Then Reed gabbed his fist forward and caught Gabe in the jaw. Gabe was completely stunned and stopped laughing. He grabbed Reed my the collar and held him up against the wall.

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