Part 27

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Within seconds the whole family was standing in the kitchen.

"So no one knows where she is?"

Reed felt scared and panicked for the first time since he had been reborn into this life.

"I'm sure she just ran off again. We can go look around and she will come home at some point."

"No May! She told me she was going to stop running because no matter what she always ends up back her."

"Maybe it was just too much and she ran anyways."

"Grace! I had just told her about the hunter. Do you really think she would have gone running around if she knew someone was after her?"

"I don't know what the big fuss is about. I'm happy she's gone."

"Addison what is you deal? I don't have time for your crap!"

"My crap? She has done nothing but bring havoc to this family ever since you brought her here."

"What are you talking about?! Winnie has been nothing but kind and wonderful to everyone and you have done nothing but hate her."

"Why shouldn't I hate her? First Conner and then this hunter, she is destroying everything."

"What do you mean 'first Conner'?"

"Are you all really that blind? Conner fell head over heals for that stupid girl from the first moment he met her. I told him it was wrong and he had to back off, but with every day he grew to love her more and more. He knew she was in love with Reed and he would never do anything to hurt his brother. So he took off! Now there is some hunter in town and after her. Since she lives with us the hunter might as well be after us too. That's why I hate her."

Everyone was speechless and just stared at Addison. She was close to tears with so much anger.

"I had no idea."

Reed collapsed into a chair and hung his head. The room was silent when the doorbell rang. Reed flew to the door hoping it was Winnie, but when he opened the door there was no one there. Just a letter attached to the door. After looking around and returning back into the house Reed tore open the letter.

Since you took the pleasure of informing Winnie of the fact that I'm around there is really no more reason for me to wait. As you may have noticed by now she is gone. Don't worry I will take good care of her. If you feel she is worth it, you may risk your life to rescue her. I will be waiting!

Reed threw the letter to Marcus so they could finish reading it and was running after the scent of the hunter. He was running as fast as he could hoping to catch up to the hunter. His chest was heavy and his mind was spinning. He wasn't even paying attention to where he was going, only that the scent was growing stronger.

He froze where he was. The hunter was standing a few yards in front of him. Winnie laid unconscious on the ground next to him. Reed took a split second to look at where they were. He saw a slide and monkey bars. He also instantly recognized the swing set Winnie had sat in once before when she had run away.

"It's not surprising you would bring her here."

"I thought so. Since it was the first place I had seen her."

Reed fumed with anger.

"Let her go!"

"Let her go? Go where? Back with you to the house full of vampires? She is a vampire and I am a vampire hunter. What kind of hunter would I be if I just let her go?"

"But you're not just a hunter. You are her brother!"

Andrew laughed.

"So you know! How did you figure it out? Did Winnie tell you?"

"Winifred doesn't know!"

"Then you're better than I thought."

"When we saw you here in the park I knew what you were. It wasn't until later that Winifred told me you were her brother."

Reed took in a deep breath and was ready to attack but Andrew made the first move. With quick and silent grace he tackled Reed to the ground with a dagger at his throat.

"I promised her I would get you for doing this to her!"

Reed's face was turned to the side and he could see Winnie a couple feet away. She still wasn't moving but her eyes were starting to open.

"Winifred! I'm sorry, I love you!"

Andrew was furious and tightened his grip and started pressing the blade into Reed's throat. Winnie suddenly conscious of what she was seeing. She was confused and terrified. She had no idea how she had gotten here or why her brother had Reed at knife point. Then too many things happened all at once. She was about to yell at Andrew when all of a sudden he was no longer there. When she had realized what had just happened she screamed.

Reed & Winifred (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin