"Jauregui, watch where you're bringing your stuff in. North East corner of the yard is my turf."

Speak of the tiny devil.

"Back off Eilish, I don't need this today." Lauren waved her off and focused on the small TV at the front of the room.

The room fell quiet as someone turned the volume up.

The world was crumbling to pieces outside their cosy barbed wire walls.

Riots had begun. All over the country, hell all over the world. Chaos was calling and their tiny corner of the world was soon to follow.

"Jauregui," Lauren turned at the voice and raised an eyebrow at a guard, "You're lawyer's here."

Lauren frowned but followed the guard anyway. They traipsed down hallways until they reached one of the private visitation rooms, one's assigned to lawyers and family, if they were rich enough.

"Luce? What're you doing here?" Lauren asked when the door closed and she sat down across from her.

"I can't visit you as much Laur." Lucy rushed out with a grimace. "I've got a duty to my other clients and now more than ever people need lawyers to represent them. I'm doing more pro-bono cases than ever before."

"Oh.. I get it Luce, you don't need to explain yourself to me." Lauren said softly.

"I'll come by as often as I can but... it'll probably be every couple weeks." Lucy groaned, running a hand through her hair before quickly smoothing it out again.

"I'll survive." Lauren laughed. "It's not... well it's pretty bad in here but I'll live."

"I've never seen Chris work this hard by the way, he's really trying." Lucy said with a hum, leaning over the table and gently resting her fingertips against Lauren's knuckles. "And Taylor's stress limits have hit max. She's got exams soon and wow is she studying 24/7. Your mother had to force her to dinner the other night." Lucy snorted and shook her head.

"They say when they could visit?" Lauren asked quietly.

"This weekend. They're telling your dad this weekend too." Lucy replied with a deep sigh.

"Wondered why I hadn't got chewed out on our calls yet." Lauren muttered with a small eye roll.

"Any cops been to see you?"

"Nope. Not yet. You heard anything?" Lauren said with a shake of her head.

"Dinah said she's heard they're still after the business. Looks like they're trying to dismantle it all while you're in here."

"It's going to take longer than 18 months to untangle all of my connections. And that's without me keeping things in check from in here." Lauren said with a smug smile. "Cabello's got her work cut out for her."

"Diaz is heading the task force. And yes, it's an official task force now." Lucy said, one eyebrow raising slowly.

"Not a problem. While the 99 is ridiculously famous for not being corrupt, their neighbours are not so... tight lipped." Lauren said, leaning back in her chair but keeping her fingers tangled with Lucy's.

"Cabello will most likely insist on being the one to talk to you though."

"I can handle her." Lauren replied easily.

"Uh huh, I don't doubt that. Just be careful with her." Lucy said with pursed lips.


"Worried." Lucy corrected with a warm smile. "Don't want to see you get burned Laur."

"I'll be fine. She should be the one that's worried. I'm not giving her shit."

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