Chapter 49: To Broken Hearts

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My friend, Bright, is slowly walking around the airport like he's looking for something- maybe a chauffeur or a friend that is based here in the US. Bright looks really hopeful despite the fact that the chances of him to retrieve his love back is slim. I know the odds now of his attempt to win his boyfriend back. I'm experiencing it right now and it feels awful to question your own existence and self worth, It's awful because despite the risk of trusting a person you love, they can still hurt you, one way or another.

"Hey Bright!" I shouted as I approached him and his eyes widened in shock when he saw me. 

"Dude... what are you doing here?" he asked, puzzled for seeing me. 

"I'm here to join you obviously." I smiled but he's still puzzled. "Relax okay? I just need a breather that's why I didn't tell you but I caught the same flight as yours and even saw you earlier boarding. " I pouted as I teased him and he slowly shook his head like he can't really believe that I'm here. 

"So you're here to relax?" 

"To help you too. I want to explore LA and other part of this city. I heard they have casinos here? I want to try playing." I winked at him and he looks at me like I'm some sort of specimen in a microscope. 

"Does Mew know that you're here?" he asks and I nodded. "Really? He never told me that you're joining."

I rolled my eyes before I draped my arm on his shoulder. "Bright, it's not like I need his permission to go on a vacation. He knows that I'm here alright? He can't go because he's too busy managing a whole ass empire." I lied. 

"And you're not?" he sarcastically asked and I shrugged. 

"My firm is smaller than his empire. It may be doing just fine but the amount of work he has to do in a day is my workload for an entire week." I replied as I pulled him to start walking. "So what's your plan? Do you have an idea how to find Win?" I asked as we walk around the area. 

"I do. Sinee told me his whereabouts."

"What?" I asked, shocked because of what I heard. "Sinee knew all along?"

"Yeah. Apparently, Win doesn't want me to find out about him and his migrating here but I just can't help myself. I love the guy, you know." he smiled at me and his eyes were like a clear glass mirror where you can see his sincerity. 

I felt envious just by the fact of seeing his sincerity towards Win despite his absence. I'm envious because the doubt I have inside me for Mew is something that can only go away if all of my questions were answered. Bright looks like he is more than ready to answer Win's questions. He is willing to adjust, to confess and to make ends meet. Unlike Mew who is just blabbering nonsense like a sorry and an another promise would fix all these. It's not like I'm asking for an instant answer from him because I'm not sure myself if I can accept one either. 

My wounds are still fresh. My wounded and tired heart is exhausted from all the things that had happened to me for the past years; non stop. I just want to breathe- to get away with all the things that can hurt me and at least think things through all over again. 

"That's good to know. I hope he forgives you right away." I cheerfully said and he smiled half-heartedly. "Just be honest with him."

"Honesty is not something that works every time Gulf but thank you. I really hope so..." he smiled and a black car parked in front of us, stopping us from talking any further. 

"Sir Bright? Sorry for the late arrival." said the driver and Bright smiled at him before nodding. 

"It's fine." he briefly said before opening the door. "Let's go Gulf. You can stay with me in the hotel."

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