Chapter 36: Eyes in the Water

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"Where's George and Paralysis!" Dream said in a panic.

"Still underwater, I'm going for Mega, you go for George. Paralysis should be fine." Spifey said before diving back down.

Dream nodded and he dove back down underwater seeing these guardian creatures being attacked by something and Dream avoided it going for George. George seemed to suddenly sprung to life as a band appeared around his neck simply giving him the ability to breath underwater which a human should never be capable of doing. Dream grabbed George's arm and pulled him up and looking at him. Dream was going to say something but he decided against it not sure if they could speak underwater with these strange band like markings on them.

George pointed towards the surface before swimming towards it but a drowned swam up from behind biting into his leg pulling him back down, George kicked the drowned in the face as he held onto Dream's arm as the drowned let go in pain. Dream and George continued to swim up before having beams of energy fly past them as the guardians now targeted them.

Dream looked at the guardian in the eye seeing it open up into a mouth full of teeth until a figure came from the abyss biting the guardian getting them to all focus on it. The guardians all targeted the twisted figure as blood came off of it as it was missing an arm. Dream saw that it was Paralysis and George notice Paralysis bite into the guardian taking its blood before getting stabbed in the throat with an orange spike.

George tugged on Dream's arm pointing to the surface again trying to tell him to get moving before the guardians focused on them again, Dream nodded as the duo swam to the surface of the lake seeing what was happening on the shore. The rest of the group was in the midst of a battle with a rock behemoth and a group of facility staff. The group was weak and bleeding out as there blood mixed in with the sand. Spifey and Mega where on the shore but they where shot at and injured almost immediately by the facility members.

"What are we going to! They're dying, we have to save them!" George yelled at Dream.

"We'll be attacked as well George can you see that, you'll die as well." Dream said as he looked George in the eyes seeing something he didn't want go see, seeing sadness and life slowly slip away.

"I....Dream....." George said before clinging onto Dream for support, George felt weak and he was weak from fighting, from dealing with this chaos.

"George! Don't you dare fucking die on me!" Dream said as he held George up, it was hard to focus on staying a float and holding up your weak friend at the same time.

"Dream....I'm sorry." George spoke with a small tone as water dripped from his chin as it was mixed with tears as gunfire rang out on shore.

"George stay with me!" Dream said before looking up at the facility staff that was looking at them, Dream's eyes widened seeing all his friends limp and dead on the ground with bloody heads and bloody broken bodies, Dream looked at there companions seeing they where bloody and broken just like the others laying limp and life less on the sand.

Dream became angry and he screamed at the facility members on shore, "Fuck you! Fuck all of you! I'll fucking kill all of you!" Dream yelled before hearing a gunshot ring out as blood ran from his head as it streaked down his face dripping off his chin as it mixed with the water.

"No. No. Fuck you and your group of miserable mistakes." A smiling leader said as his face was hidden under a mask with an X on it as his dark brown hair rolled over his sharp brood shoulders as his vest swayed in the breeze as he held his arms behind his back. Two more leaders stood by his side as they smiled at Dream.

Dream stared at the three remaining leaders and facility staff as he stopped moving as he held an unconscious George in his arms taking him with underwater, Dream had no time to react but he listened to the voice in his head, letting himself sink down into the abyss just below watching the leaders fade from his line of sight letting the blood wrap around him and George.

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