Chapter 19: It's Okay Now, It's Okay

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The raven-haired exclaimed, while the brunnette freezed, not knowing what to do. She crouched down, hiding her face with both arms. Just a moment before it hits the girl, the car stopped right in front of her.

Kageyama immediately rushed towards the girl, grabbing her shoulders, making sure she's alright.

"Sakurai-san! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" The raven-haired panicked. The blue eyes checked the girl's whole body. She was trembling.

"...I....I'm...alright...." she answered, still trembling.


"Why that little—!" Kageyama stood-up about to argue with the man who yelled at them. With trembling hands, Sakurai held his hand, preventing him from doing so.

"Stop it... don't argue with him, it's not his fault..." the girl said with a trembling voice.


Before being able to say anything, the girl gripped his arm with her trembling hands, and slowly stood up.

"I'm sorry, sir. It is my fault." She apologized and bowed to the man. "Due to my clumsiness I almost caused a big accident. I'm really sorry."

The man glared at her from head-to-toe. Making sure she's not injured. Then he let out a big sigh.

"Okay, fine. You're high school students are you? Hurry up and go home." The man said and went into his car again. He started his engine and drove off the night.

The blue orbs stared at the brunette who was picking up the plastic bag full of snacks that fell to the ground, then went to the sidewalk and controlled her breathing. Trying to calm herself down.

The raven-haired recalled what happened before the girl almost got into an accident. Guiltiness consumed him.

Why the hell did I do that?! He thought. My silly behavior almost took her life! Just what the hell were you thinking, Tobio?!

"Kageyama-kun," The girl called out. He turned his head towards the girl. "let's go now."

She walked ahead, and the raven-haired followed from behind. Their walk was filled with silence.

"Are you... okay now?" Kageyama's voice broke the silence.

"I've calmed down now, so I guess I'm okay." The girl answered, her head facing forward, not looking at the raven-haired.

"I-I see..."

Oh fuck, I think she's mad. I should've apologized first. Why is it so hard to apologize?

"U-umm..." He mumbled, looking down. "I'm... sorry, Sakurai-san."

"Hm? What for?"

"If only I didn't play that joke on you, you wouldn't have fallen and experience almost being hit by a car. I'm sorry... it's all my fault."

Suddenly, the girl stopped walking and stood still. Then, she turned her head, staring at the raven-haired.

"It's not... entirely your fault." The girl said. "If I didn't play along with your joke and just let you help me carry my groceries, this wouldn't happen. Also, I've calmed down now, so don't mind it too much."

"Are you... really okay?"

"Hey, I told you I'm okay, right?"

"Then why are you crying?"

"Crying? What do you mean cryi—?"


A tear dropped from the brown orbs, another one dropped, and another one.

"H-Huh?" The girl wiped her tears that kept on running. "W-Wait... why am I crying? I'm okay now, so..."

Before she could finish talking, Kageyama pulled the girl into his arms. Patting the her head.

"What... are you doing?" Sakurai asked.

"Just cry. Let it all out. Don't hold it in." The raven-haired whispered to her ear. "You were scared, weren't you?"

The girl stood still for a while. After a few seconds, her tears flooded. "I-I thought... I-I was going to... die."

Kageyama kept patting the back of her head, reassuring her. "It's okay now, it's okay."


"Gosh, Hana! I only asked you to buy some groceries, what took you so long?! Oh, who is this boy? Wait, what happened to your face? You cried?"

As soon as she arrived home, Sakurai's mother immediately flooded her with questions. The raven-haired who came with her, introduced himself.

"Hello, auntie, I am Kageyama Tobio, Sakurai-san's classmate. She cried because tripped on the way home and broke her cellphone."

"What? You cried because of that? Haah... I'll buy you a new cellphone so why bother crying?" The middle-aged woman asked. "Hurry up and come in, let's eat. Ah, Kageyama-kun, I'm sorry my daughter troubled you. If you'd like, would you join us for dinner?"

"Thank you for the invitation, but my sister would get mad if I don't go home any time soon. So, I need to get going now. By the way, here are your groceries."

The raven-haired handed the groceries to the middle-aged woman.

"Ah, thank you. Sorry for being a bother. Well, that's a shame, then come by next time, I'll cook something delicious for you." She smiled at the boy. "Well then, I'll be going in now. Hana, remember to lock the gates, and come in. Be careful on your way home, Kageyama-kun!"

The middle-aged woman went into the house. Leaving the two outside.

"Thank you for taking me home. Also, for not telling my mom about what really happened." The girl thanked him.

"No problem. But is it really okay not to tell your mom about you almost getting into an accident?"

"It's fine. She'll only worry if she knows."

Both of them stayed silent for a little while, but then Kageyama broke it off.

"Well then, I should get going now. I'll see you next week." He turned back, about to leave.

"Kageyama-kun." The brunette called out his name, making him stop. He looked at the girl who called his name.

"Thanks... for just now, if you didn't do that... I would've had a hard time calming myself down. And... you don't have to feel guilty about the event that happened."

The raven-haired freezed. That... that... could it be...?

"Well then, be careful on your way home." The girl turned around and went into her house. Leaving the raven-haired who stoned up like a statue. Slowly, his face flushed.

Why you ask? Hmm... try recalling the past events. He played a joke on her, she almost got into a car accident, she cried, and he... hugged her.

Oh my god, how can I face her normally now?

"There are some flowers you can only see when you take detours." - Tanaka Saeko.

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