Chapter 17: Model?

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Sakurai's POV

Just why the hell did I accept this offer?

"No, no! Sakurai-chan, relax you expression a bit! You look too tense!" The photographer exclaimed.



"Hi Ojou-chan, would you do the honor of being our model for today's photoshoot?"

"M-me?? I'm doing my part time work right now, so... I'm sorry but I can't." I answered, declining the offer.

"Why? You should try it, Hana-chan!" Honoka-nee-san suddenly appeared. "I'm allowing you to do it! Don't worry about the cafe, there are not many customers right now, anyways."

Nee-san... why did you do that...? I frowned, letting out a sigh.

"Still, I can't do things such as modelling... I have no experience..."

"Don't worry, all you need to do is act natural." The photographer reassured, his hand formed a thumbs up sigh. "Come on, Ojou-chan... please? We really need a model right now..."

I stared at the man with a troubled look, but he kept looking at me with puppy-like eyes.

"You will receive some fees for this. Can you do us a favor?" The man plead.

I let out a sigh, I lost.

"Fine... I'll do it." At last I agreed to do the job.

Like sand being swept away by the waves, the photographer and staffs expressions brightened up when I agreed. They hurriedly brought me to change my clothes and applied some light make-up on my face.

The clothes I wore looked seems to be summer clothes. The only thing I knew that they were really cute and trendy.

After all the preparations are finished, the photoshoot began.


(Current Situation)

"Sakurai-chan, that's not it... you need to look more natural!" The photographer whined, letting out a sigh. "Let's take a break for 15 minutes."

"I'm sorry..." I bowed down to the photographer and the staffs. They looked at me with a little smile on their faces.

I walked away from the photoshoot area and sat down on the chair, thinking what I should do to look more natural.

"Having trouble with the photoshoot?" A voice asked.

I turned towards the direction where the voice came from. It was Honoka-nee-san. She smiled and patted my head.

"It's your first time, don't worry too much about it." She reassured.

"But I decided to do it... if this keeps going on the staffs will be in trouble. I decided to take the job so I need to take responsibility and do a good job for it. But I just can't seem to act natural..." I let out my frustrations, feeling bad for the photographer and staff members.

Honoka-nee-san pulled a chair and sat next to me. She pulled my hand and held it. I looked at her. She fixed her eyes on the photoshoot area.

"What were you thinking when you are doing the photoshoot?" She asked all of a sudden.

What were I thinking? Hmm...

"I need to do my best, because if I fail I'll let down many people. I decided to take this job, so I need to finish it well."

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