Chapter 14: A Surprisingly Honest Person

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Third Person POV

"Say, Sakurai-san." An orange-haired boy called out. "Did you come to watch our practice match yesterday?"

A brunette looked at the orange-haired, and then gave an awkward smile.

"Ah... I actually had something for my cousin, I didn't actually know he had a practice match with you guys." She answered. "Did I distract you guys?"

"Nope!" Hinata exclaimed. "In fact, you should come watch our games more often! Having someone cheer for you is awesome, right Kageyama?"

The orange-head turned his gaze towards a raven-haired guy who was sitting on his desk, enjoying a carton of yoghurt.

"It doesn't really matter," Kageyama rolled his eyes. "by the way, why the hell are you in my class?"

"Eh, why am I here? I came to hang out with you guys!" The guy replied with a wide smile on his face. "What? Am I bothering you!"

"Your very existence bothers me."

"That's mean, Kageyama-kun!! This is why you don't have any friends. Right, Sakurai-san?"

"No comment." Sakurai grinned, showing her white teeth.


"Ahh!! Break time is over! Well then, see you later, Kageyama!"

"Just get the hell out already!" Kageyama chased Hinata out of the door, and then returned to his seat.

"Wow, you guys sure do get along." The girl sitting beside him said.

"Do we?"

"You didn't realize it?" Sakurai asked. "Well, its actually expected because you're kind of slow in these kind of things."

Kageyama frowned. "Me? Slow? Really?"

The brunette laughed. "Yup! I believe you're slow in these kind of things; friendship, relationship, in your studies too!"

The raven-haired grew quiet, putting his hand under his chin. Thinking hard.

"Come to think of it," he finally spoke out. "Maybe I really am slow."

"You're basically slow in everything except for volleyball!" The girl teased, laughing.

Kageyama raised his eyebrow, saying "Is that an insult?"

"Well, you can say that it is both a praise and an insult, though."

"How is that a praise?"

"Its a praise that you're good and quick-witted in volleyball, and an insult that you're slow at other things aside from it." The girl laughed.

Kageyama went quiet, thinking. Then his lips curved upwards. "Now that you've said it I guess it's true. But what's with the insult?"

"Haha.. I'm just teasing you!" Sakurai replied, laughing.

Kageyama stared at the girl. "You know, Sakurai-san. Have anyone told you that you're surprisingly a very loud and honest person?"

"Am I?" She asked, smiling.

"You look like the type of person who would be timid and quiet, but you're surprisingly fun and you express your feelings honestly. No... is it more of blunt?"

"Haha... Well, no one has ever told me that before, so you're the first!"

"Alright kids, settle down now, we're starting the lessons!"

The teacher entered the classroom and started the lesson.


Several days have passed. Karasuno third-years are currently having their career counseling for the future.

"I wanna become an ace, so i wanna see a real ace in action!"

A familiar voice entered the ears of a brown-haired girl. She turned her head towards the source of that voice. An orange-haired boy who is currently talking with someone, and a raven-haired boy beside him. Hinata and Kageyama.

"Umm... sorry." A big guy with his hair tied to the back replied. "But I'm not an ace."

The big guy then walked away from the two boys, and then a gray-haired guy appeared from inside the classroom.

"I don't really understand but... is he injured?" Kageyama asked the grey-haired guy, Sugawara.

"No, it's not that."

"Then, he can't return due to some reasons?"

"Well, it's not because of external factors..." Sugawara frowned. "It's maybe because... he have come to hate playing volleyball."

"Ehh?? Why?? Even though he's called an ace?" Hinata asked in confusion.

"Asahi, he was the tallest, and the biggest guy we had." The grey-haired boy started explaining. "No matter how difficult the situation is, he would always manage to get a spike in. Everyone calls him an ace, but I depended on him too much."

"Did you... face a crushing defeat?" Kageyama asked carefully.

"Well, somewhat like that." Sugawara smiled painfully. "In that match, his attacks were completely difficult. The opponent would block his attacks all the time."

"Eh? That's—!" Hinata shrugged.

"You're about to say 'That's it?' aren't you?"

"Huh? No! Getting blocked sure is annoying, but to hate volleyball because of that? I don't quite get it."

"Asahi, we call him an ace, surely he would be targeted and blocked all the time, but in that match... there was nothing we could do. I know Asahi, he's the type of guy who would feel responsible for that. Even though it's not his fault that we lost..."

The two boys went quiet, the brown haired girl still looking at them, listening to all the conversations they had from before.

"By the way, club activities will be starting soon. You'd better get going!" Sugawara reminded.

"Oh, right." Hinata said. "Let's go, Kageyama!"

"Yeah." Kageyama answered, but then he noticed something. "Hm? Sakurai-san, why are you in the third-year area?"

The brown haired girl came to her senses and blushed a bit.

"Oh, hi Kageyama-kun! I have a meeting, and I'm just waiting for some senpais because we're gonna go together." She answered. "Going to after school practice?"

"Yeah." The raven-haired smiled. "Well then, see you tomorrow!"

"Ok, bye!" The girl waved.

Kageyama waved back and ran off to the gymnasium. The girl's eyes followed his figure who disappeared down the stairs.

The girl laughed. Then she recalled something.

"You look like the type of person who would be timid and quiet, but you're surprisingly fun and you express your feelings honestly. No... is it more of blunt?"

"A surprisingly honest person, huh?"

"Oh, Sakurai! There was a career counseling just now, sorry. Did you wait for a long time?"A guy with glasses came out of the third-year classroom.

"Oh, no. It's okay Nakagawa-senpai." Sakurai went back to her senses, What am I doing? She thought. "Now, let's go to the meeting."

"Well, but do you guys really need my approval in determining the new student council members? I mean, I'm just an old member now."

"Well, of course we need your approval, since you were the president before Takamura-senpai succeeded you. Well, today will be the day the official members will be announced so, maybe Takamura-senpai asked you to come as a formality?"

"Well, that's true." The guy answered, nodding his head. "So, do you think you'll be chosen as an official member?"

"I'm not really sure, but I do hope so." Sakurai grinned.

"If you're gonna hit it, hit it until it breaks!" - Oikawa Tooru

I Love You, Kageyama-kun!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat