Chapter 13: Killer Serves

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"Oh my, we're in quite a pinch aren't we?"

A familiar voice appeared, Oikawa-san's voice.

"You're done warming up?" Seijou's coach asked.

"All done." Oikawa-san replied, showing an 'ok' sign.


The referee blowed the whistle, marking a member change. Oikawa-san is finally entering the game, he's.... replacing Kunimi's position? Then that means... he's serving? God, this is bad...

"No matter how strong your offensive power is," Oikawa-san said, raising his arm, and pointed at Tsukishima. "if you can't defend well, there's no point in it, right?"

"Be careful!" I warned the other guys. "Don't let your guard down!"

He threw the ball up, ran after it, and jumped to hit the ball.


The ball hit Tsukishima's hand, but he wasn't able to receive properly, so it went out of bounds. My lips formed a small curve.

There it is, that intense serve! He can even target where the serve should go now, Oikawa-san sure is amazing...

"Eep! What the hell was that killer serve?!" Hinata shrieked. "As expected of the 'Great King'!"

"Just as I thought," Oikawa-san uttered, looking at Tsukishima and Hinata. "You, number 6, and number 5. You suck at receives right?"

"Urk." Hinata squeled.

"Okay now, here's another one!"

Oikawa threw another intense serve at Tsukishima, as expected, Tsukishim can't receive it.

"Tch." The glasses-guy clicked his tongue. "Damn it!"

The words 'frustration' and 'anger' are written well in his face, Hinata looks frustrated as well.

"One more point and it will be a deuce, hmm." Oikawa-san grinned at me.

Why that guy!!! An annoyed expression can be seen on my face. I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Calm down, don't get caught up in his pace, you need to concentrate, focus, focus.

"Oi! Grand King!" Hinata yelled, calling the guy with killer serves on the other side of the court. "Aim at me too! I'm right here you know!"

"What are you doing? Don't shout like that, it's embarrassing!" Tsukishima scolded the shrimp.

"What did you say?!"

Hinata and Tsukishima glared at each other, and then the orange-haired guy spoke up. "Volleyball is about everyone in 'this side' of the net! We're allies, so we need to help each other!"

"That's right." Daichi-san joined in the conversation. "Tsukishima, draw towards the sideline a bit."


"Now..... bring it!"

Daichi-san stood in the middle, expanding his defense range so that he could cover up for the other members.

"But you know," Oikawa-san gave a small laugh. "You can't protect everything by yourself!"

The ball went straight to Tsukishima once again, but this time, it flew up.

"Oh? This time it's too easy? But well, we have a free ball now." Oikawa-san said in a teasing  tone as he sent the ball to Yahaba, the setter.

I Love You, Kageyama-kun!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt