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TW!: blood 

The night was cold and dark. Wind howled as the leaves rustled in a chorus with it. A young boy stumbled along a sidewalk, looking confused and scared. He was alone here, no one else was walking along at this time of night. Looking over at a nearby block on the street with houses, all lights appeared to be off. He couldn't even see city lights, it was just him, all alone with the stars and the trees. He tried to call for a friend, but his voice didn't seem to work. The world started to seemingly melt before his eyes. He tried to run but his legs wouldn't move. They were stuck to the ground.

He was paralyzed, unmoving, as he watched the world melt into shadow around him. A chorus of voices that came from everywhere and nowhere whispered into his ear, empty words and threats. The walls of the black world around the boy started to drip. He looked with pure terror, frozen still as a thick red liquid started to seep through, slowly reaching his feet like a thick cherry sauce.

He covered his mouth his hand, suffocating a shriek as the substance dripped onto him. His eyes were wide with terror, as much as he wanted to he couldn't look away. The blood-red liquid started to cover him, until all he could see was red. He felt himself sinking, sinking into this Hell space. He tried to yell, call for anyone, but like before his voice didn't work. He started to choke, the scent filling his nose. He squeezed his eyes shut, wanting this to be over, for someone to save him. Opening his eyes again, the red, stickiness of the blood was gone.

"Darryl...?" He heard a voice behind him speak. He turned around, finally able to control himself again, to once again shriek, this time tears spilling out over his hands covering his face again. One of his close friends, Clay, lay on the black ground, lying in a pool of his own blood. Bloodied arrows sat around him, but many more were still in him.

"Clay?!" Darryl yelled, rushing over to his friend's side.

"Shh.." Clay hushed, coughing harshly after. "You're going to be alright."

Darryl buried his face in his hands, tears spilling out onto Clay's bloodied sweatshirt. "W-What h-happened to you?" Darryl managed to choke out. Instead of answering, Clay smiled lightly, staring at a spot behind Darryl.

"CLAY?" Darryl shouted, shaking his friend's shoulder. "CLAY!" Darryl sobbed, "W-Who did t-this to y-you?"

 :P that was too short oh well

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