The American Seal

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"Its because that's the year when the American seal was created," Erica said. I put in the combination and it clicked.

Since this display was sort of far away from where the people were, we didn't get any attention. We still tried our best to lie down and look at the display like normal tourists.

The cabinet door opened, and it revealed something big.

Another piece of paper. There also was a pistol.

Erica took hold of the pistol while I opened the old piece of paper

five items you must find, in order to get to the next step, the pistol will help you throughout the journey for clues, and remember, in the darkest times, history will save you

five-item locations for five items:

1. New York City  Empire state building ^)th floor

2. Boston Harbor sea waters

3. Quebec city Rue saint Olivier street

4. Washington DC Capitol building 37th seat of congress

5. Great wall of China 

good luck hunter

-Nathan Hale

"Um, wow, that's a lot of stuff to go over with," Mike said.
"We have to go to all these items and bring it back to solve the case," I said.

"But at the last part it said great wall of China," Flapper said. "Isn't It all across the country?"

"And also, why is it the empire state building?" Zoe said. "Isn't it made in the 20th century and not in the 18th century?"

"Congress planned to make the Empire state building for lookouts when the British were coming, but they couldn't make it, so maybe my great grandfather put that clue in the empire state building," Erica said.

"So, the clues of the treasure weren't finished until World War Two?" I said surprisingly.

"Im pretty sure maybe, but my great grandfather lost his memory along time ago so that he couldn't tell my grandfather about the treasure."

"So that's something," Dillian said.

"Wow, I can't believe the fortune wasn't finished until WWII," Zoe said in amazement.

"Neither did I, now let's go to work," Erica said.

"What about Cyrus and the others?" I said.

"We have to find it before SPYDER does, because Im pretty sure they wanna find it," Erica said.
"Wait a minute. How did SPYDER know about this treasure far than we did?" 

All of us had so many questions to ask.

"I don't know, but we need to get a helicopter," Erica said.

"I thought it was a private jet, but ok," Chip said.

I had no idea how we were going to get a helicopter, but it turns out Erica knew something on how to get it.

Catherine had given her ID when she left because she was on some mission, but got captured by SHARK.  She had kept it in a secret pocket in her chest, and SPYDER  didn't notice when they were snooping around to see if she carried any weapons.   So all we did was drive a cab towards the airport, and Erica showed Catherine the MI6's ID and told them that Catherine will come soon and that she told us to get a Helicopter.

The MI6 accepted us, and we went inside the aircraft. It was like any military helicopter except—

"Whos gonna drive?" Mike said.

"I will," I said.  "I learned some tactics on flying before, so I can do it"

"Ben? You can fly a helicopter?" Erica said in a rare shock.

"Can you?" I said teasingly.

Erica just gave a stare at me. I gulped.

"So Erica can't fly a helicopter?" Flapper said flabbergasted

"I don't think she can, or can she?"

"Here, let me try, I did some lessons before," Erica said, shoving me out of the cockpit while I landed on my poor butt.

She then turned to the cockpit and just randomly clicked buttons and throttles. Soon, the helicopter rotors were on, and Erica got an accelerator to jerk through.

But then, it made a massive turn to the left. I quickly pressed my foot on one of the brakes like things that you use in a car.

That made the helicopter turn to the right, which steadied us.

"Can I now drive this now?" I said.

Erica only gave me a cold glare in return. She let go of the cockpit.

I then sat on it. I had learned how to fly a helicopter form Alex and Catherine, who were heli-trainers.

 I quickly went into the cockpit and got some controls on.

I put the headphones over my head. "Everybody get ready for lift-off."

I still was surprised that Erica couldn't drive a helicopter. Then I remembered that she couldn't because she showed some signs when we were trying to escape in Orion's house. She said she couldn't drive a helicopter, but that was years ago.

The helicopter lifted, and everybody got to their seats. There were eight in the total, with two places in the cockpit. Erica sat next to me while the others were in the back.

I then touched the screens for a GPS, then veered that way.

"Where are we going first?" Chip said.

"New York City," I said.

Neither did anyone know, SPYDER was lurking...

Spy school treasure hunt (DISCONTINUED BC OF WRITERS BLOCK)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz