Chapter 15

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Three days till mock exam day and I am freaking out. I spend around 8 hours a day with my books open but only study for a total of 20 minutes. When I have unfinished business, I cannot focus on anything else till its sorted. I can not believe it is April already. In a few weeks we will be on study leave and then its GCSE exams! I need to make sure I get my head straight so that I can do my best.

I approach the school gates and the head teacher is standing outside. His stomach is the first thing you see as it is so big and protrudes so far out. And the worst part is, he still tries to close the buttons on his blazer. Those poor little things are hanging on for dear life. There is a line of students at the gates, as the head teacher is checking to see if everyone has their diary and reading book. I don't know why they put so much emphasis on it. Nevertheless, I take out my diary and reading book. This is the same reading book I have had since year 7 and just keep it in my bag for whenever I have to show it. I get to the head teacher and he raises an eyebrow at me. I look down at my book, Charlie and the chocolate factory by Roald Dahl. Evidently, it is definitely too much of an easy read for a year 11 student. He sighed, shook his head and let me through the gate. I smiled to myself, technically he can't say anything since I have a book, and that's the point.

I walk into school and my first mission of the day is to try and find Brandon. I wanted to talk to him face to face about what I discovered yesterday about Owen. We have double P.E. this morning, and the boys and girls are split, so I could not talk to him. Break time arrives and I wait outside the canteen for Zara. Zara doesn't do P.E. since she chose triple science instead. We buy a pizza and make our way to the bench. We find Alison and Rebecca conversing in a hushed tone, which ceases when we get there.

"How was science?" Rebecca asks

"Meh" Zara replies as she takes a bite out of her pizza. Typical response.

"What were you lot talking about?" I ask.

Rebecca and Alison briefly look at each other and Alison nudges Rebecca.

"Tell her" Alison pushes in a hushed tone

"I'm scared" Rebecca whispers

"You know we can hear you right?" I comment.

Rebecca takes a deep breath in.

"Okay, I don't really know how to tell you this, and promise me you won't get mad."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Humza and I are dating."

I look around to see the facial expressions of everyone else. No one seems as shocked as me. They all knew.

"Um, okay." I reply

"That's it?" Rebecca asks

"Well what do you want me to say? I hope you and Christopher are happy together."

"AH I'm sorry, we just got really close when I was helping him with you and then I liked him but trust me I never made a move until you chose Owen but if you're not comfortable with it then we will break up right now. Your'e friendship is more important to me than some guy." Rebecca rambled.

"Lol seriously it's fine" I chuckle. "I am over him, you can have my sloppy seconds"

Rebeccas mouth drops open.

"Seee you are mad oh mu gosh! I am such a bad friend" Rebecca whines

" Oh my days I am JOKING! Honestly its fine, I am completely over him, I feel nothing for him. You can have him."

"You are oddly calm about this, are you sure you are okay?" Zara whispers to me.

I smile at her. "I'm great. Obviously it is a little bit weird but I don't want to stand in the way of them both. There is no point. The bottom line is, Humza likes her not me, and that's fine."

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