Chapter 7

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Ok. This is getting annoying. I can't stop thinking about whether he heard me or not. He probably did. I really hope he didn't. But if he did, I'm screwed.

"Lily?" Rebecca is eyeing me with concern in her eyes. I didn't realise that we stopped walking and I was staring at the mud and dry leaves on the ground like they are the most fascinating thing ever.

"Huh?" I reply, distracted.

"What's wrong? Your face is all scrunched up. Are you constipated?" Rebecca jokes.

"It's just...when you stopped by the tree to tie your shoe laces, I was talking about how I like both Owen and Christopher. But Gibby was in the tree. Do you think he heard me?"

I turn to face Rebecca who immediately responds.

"Well, I would say yes because you weren't exactly whispering and the tree wasn't that high...but no because if he did hear you, he would have said something right?"

"Oh yea. Your right."

"Aren't I always?" I laugh lightly and shove her arm playfully. We continue walking until we reach the place where the boys were playing football. Except, no one was playing football anymore and everyone was huddled around Natasha. I mentally roll my eyes, she loves to be centre of attention. Natasha waves at us to join the gathering. I am reluctant at first but Rebecca drags me over to see what the fuss is about. We finally reach and Natasha begins to explain how to play a game.

"So basically, one person hides anywhere, but it has to be outside and everyone has to go and look for that person and when you find the person, you have to hide with them. Last person to find everyone loses, it's like reverse hide and seek. Everyone got it?"

Everyone nods and says yes. I look around and see some of the boys basically drooling over her. I don't blame them though, she is wearing an outfit which says 'look at me!' She is dressed in really short black shorts showing off her beautifully crafted(and big, may I add) bum and a low cut white top barely covering her boobs and shaping her body nicely making her seem curvier than usual. She picks a person to go hide and we wait for about five minutes, giving the person time to find a place. She gives a signal and everyone rushes to go and find the guy. Rebecca, Zara and I take off in the opposite direction that everyone else went in. We search the place high and low but can't seem to find the boy. We decide to split up and if any of us find him, we will call and inform one another. After 5 minutes of wandering around aimlessly, growing more bored by the minute, I huff and drop down onto a log.

"Given up already?"

The voice startles me and I almost jump out of my skin. I turn around to find Owen standing with one arm resting on a low branch and the other in his pocket. He has taken off his jumper and tied it around his waist leaving him in a white T-shirt which clutches to his muscles, making him seem manlier.Stop staring Lily. He will think your weird! He walks over to me and plops himself besides me on the log. I act cool and pretend as if his proximity isn't affecting me..which it is by the way. I'm burning!

"Yeah. I just can't find him!" I finally say, throwing my hands up in exasperation.

"Let's look for him together " he says, getting to his feet. "6 eyes are better than two."

" 6 eyes?" I ask..completely confused.

" Yeah. I have two and you have four." He walks over to me and counts my eyes and then my glasses.

"Oh Shut up!" I whine as I jokingly shove him away. Thankfully, he returns to my side and we begin walking. "At least I don't have a big forehead." I smile, knowing I have got back at him.

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