Chapter 12

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Back in school. It feels weird to be back to a routine after having the time of my life in Dorset. But now, back to reality. It's a dark, gloomy and rainy day so I speed walk into the school canteen. I am absolutely drenched as I stupidly forgot my umbrella at home. My hair is sticking to my face in a highly unattractive way, my glasses are cloudy and blocking my vision. I love the rain.

As soon as I enter the canteen I am greeted by a very cheerful Serena.

"HI FRIEND!" She screams as she embraces me in a hug.

I laugh and hug her back even tighter

"HIIIII!!!" I scream back in a high pitched screechy voice that I am pretty sure could break glass.

"How was the trip? Oh my gosh tell me everything!"

Serena pulls me to the tables and I tell her everything that happened.

"Ohh I really wish I was there! I should have picked geography instead of history. I'm sick if learning about wars. Why can't we just have world peace?"

I nod in agreement and the bell rings. I can't help but be a little excited since science is my first lesson of the day. I feel nervous walking to class as I know Owen will be there. I try to tame my hair but it fails, so I throw it up into a messy ponytail, wipe my glasses and enter the building. I fight my way through the staircase which is crowded with students. To the left of me, two boys are fighting each other, to the right, a girl misses her step and falls on her face and the stairwell erupts with laughter. People screaming and running and kicking the doors in. Teachers trying but failing to restore order. It's complete manic.

Once I am close to my class, Owen rushes past me, steals my clip on tie, and runs away with it. I chase him all around the school whilst he throws it around to his friends and has me going back and forth like a piggy in the middle. He finally stops running and holds it up high. I am extremely short, so even when I jumped, I could not reach it. In the end, I had to get on my knees and beg for my tie back. He gave it back and just before he entered the class, I grabbed his tie and began running with it.

"HAHA YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!" I screamed as he charged after me. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't run properly. He tackled me to the ground and he fought for the tie.

"What were you saying before? About how I can't catch you? That's what I thought." Owen said as he tickled me to get his tie back.

I threw the tie as far as I could and it flew down to the bottom of the stairwell.

"OH MY DAYSS! " He shouted. "You better go and get that right now"

"Hell no, get it yourself!" I exclaimed as I ran into the classroom. I got there just in time before the bell rang. However, Owen was not fortunate enough and he strolled in clutching his tie in his hand after the bell.

"Why are you late?" Miss Cream asked, her voice laced with anger.

"Miss it's not my fault Lily stole my tie-"

"You stole mine first!" I interrupted

"Yeah but you-"

"I have had enough of you two! Owen JUST SIT DOWN YOU ARE ALREADY LATE AND NOW ARE DISRUPTING THE CLASS" Miss Cream screamed.


"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. SIT DOWN NOW!" Miss Cream bellowed.

Owen hangs his head low and takes his seat next to me.

"You're going to pay for this" Owen mumbles to me.

I laugh quietly to myself as Owen tries to shoot me a death glare. I put on my cutest face and he laughs saying I look like a disabled fish.

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