Chapter 9

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As soon as Rebecca leaves the room, I dress up in the exact same outfit as her. Black leggings, black zip up hoodie and black puma trainers. I sit at the edge of my bed and wait. My mind begins to run wild. What if we get caught? What if Gibby finds out about our plan? Rebecca is way taller than me, there is no way anyone can mistake us for each other. Then again, we managed to convince almost the whole year that we are sisters, even though Rebecca is only half Indian and I am full. We don't even look alike. She has a darker skin tone as she is half Sri Lankan and I have a light skin tone; Zara calls it orange. I have dark black hair which falls above my boobs and a massive forehead. Its not even a forehead, more like a five head. I guess that's why I like Owen. Big fore headed people attract. But then our babies would be very unfortunate, imagine the size of their heads! Anyways, Rebecca has long, thick black hair which reaches her waist. Seriously, its so long she can use it as a blanket. She is tall, I'm short, I have tiny feet, she has gigantic feet(no offence Rebecca). She has a big round bum and mine resembles an ironing board. I'm as skinny as a stick and she is so voluptuous. She even has more curves than a damn guitar! The only thing we have in common is that we wear glasses but we are total opposites. I sigh, jump off my bed and watch Zara  skilfully sculpture our blankets to look like a person sleeping in it. I begin to softly sing 'The way' by Ariana Grande as I wait. She is so quick and does it with ease that she is finished before I even reach the chorus.

"Are you ready agent 28?" Zara says, turning to face me, grinning like a kid in a candy store.

At first, she was very reluctant to go through with the plan, but after an hour of convincing and playing songs that encourage you to 'live while your young', she finally agreed.

"I was born ready! Let's go agent 26!"

We grin at each other. We couldn't think of any spy names on such short notice so we use the ones we came up with in year 7 where our mission was to sneak food into the library and eat without being caught. Look at us now. Almost 5 years later and sneaking out to meet a boy. I feel all grown up! The agent names are actually just the dates of our birthday. Lame right? But come on! We were in year 7, don't judge. I know what your thinking and yes 69 isn't a date. You see, our very sexual friend Rebecca chose to be 69. She was such an innocent and clean girl when she first moved here from Sri Lanka but she turned into a dirty minded freak. I blame Brandon. I text agent 69 to tell her we are coming and I face palm myself when I hear her phone vibrate from under her pillow. Great. She left her damn phone!

We sneak out of the room while the girls are asleep and make our way to the back door. We silently pass through a couple rooms, as all the rooms connect to each other, till we reach to the door that opens out to the stairwell. I carefully open the door and peek outside. When I'm sure the coast is clear, I gesture for Zara to follow me and we tiptoe down the narrow, winding stairs. They are a deep brown in colour with a red,cream and green designed carpet running straight down the middle. It is old, tattered and looks like it has not been cleaned in centuries. At the bottom of the stairs is a long hallway. This is the first floor, where the boys rooms are. There are old, vintage paintings hanging up on either side of the walls and the same tattered rug as the one that lines the stairs, runs down the middle of the hallway. I turn right and hide behind the thick floor to ceiling curtains. They are full of dust and smells like death but I fight the urge to cough and sneeze. Zara keeps a look out, holding a small red flashlight which displaces the darkness surrounding us.

I smile as I watch Rebecca, who is dressed like me, sneak out of the bedroom located right opposite the stairwell. I peak from behind the curtains and I see a figure coming towards me. He passes me and I notice it is Brandon who is disguised as Humza. Brandon and Rebecca creep down the hall together. Not long after, a blinding light hits my eyes and I wince and move back behind the curtains. I look to Zara who signals that it is Gibby. He is following Brandon and Rebecca down the hall. Of course, he thinks it is Humza and I. He must be extremely gullible to fall for this. I mean, Brandon and Humza are completely different. Brandon has a tall, wide frame, has very bulky muscular arms and coarse afro hair. Not to mention his skin tone is way darker than Humza. But I guess, in the dark, you can't really tell the difference. I smile to myself and signal Zara who initiates stage 2 of the plan.

When Gibby gets close enough, Zara and I pull the rug from underneath his feet and he falls onto the hard wooden floor. Gibby is quite heavy, so his fall makes a loud bang. Everyone holds their breath. It was louder than expected. We wait a while and thankfully, no teacher comes out. It's pitch black now and everything is dead quiet. The only sounds are Gibby wincing quietly in pain as he struggles to get up. Brandon creeps up behind him in the darkness and taps his shoulder. Gibby's face morphs into fear and he begins to speed walk down the corridor, away from the boys room. This was the perfect time for Humza to sneak out of his room. He joined me behind the curtain and waited for Zara to tell us the coast is clear. We tiptoed down the stairs and into the dining hall.

Meanwhile, Gibby had dropped his flashlight when he fell, so he stumbles around, using the walls for direction. Stage 3 is in full swing as he heads for the girls bathroom where Rebecca and Brandon were hiding and making spooky sounds to creep him out. They don't see him coming as it is pitch black, but Zara is quick on her feet. She sneaks up to him, grabs him from behind and pushes him into the boys bathroom next door. He screams at her touch and stumbles into the bathroom. He grabs onto one of the sinks to help him regain balance. But his weight sends the sink crashing down onto the floor. Suddenly, water starts gushing out of the broken pipe and begins to flood the bathroom.

Well that wasn't supposed to happen.

Mr Spell boy barges out of his room in a long navy blue robe that reaches the floor. Fury is evident in his face as he hunts down the culprit who dares to wake him from his slumber. Mr Spell boy rushes down the hallway, reaches the door way to the bathroom and flicks the light on. He scans the surroundings, anger dominating his features as he scowls. It does not look good for Gibby who is standing in a pool of water , holding the broken pipe that connects to the ceramic sink, which is cracked and in pieces on the floor.

"GIBBY! YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!" Mr Spellboy shouts at the top of his lungs.

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